
A PostgreSQL Interface for GraphQL Data

A PostgreSQL Interface for GraphQL Data - CData Software

To access GraphQL data as a PostgreSQL database, use the CData JDBC Driver for GraphQL and a JDBC foreign data wrapper (FDW). In this article, we compile the ...

Six Easy Ways to add a GraphQL API to your Postgres Database ...

Join Monster helps with the GraphQL schema modeling by providing a way to use the full SQL power of Postgres. It allows to tell every GraphQL ...

Create GraphQL APIs on PostgreSQL in 2 minutes - Hasura

Connect to a new or existing PostgreSQL database and get standardized, highly composable GraphQL APIs. The Hasura GraphQL Engine introspects the database ...

pg_graphql: A GraphQL extension for PostgreSQL - Supabase

pg_graphql 's public API is a single SQL function that returns JSON. ... We're opting to expose the function over HTTP through PostgREST but you ...

Building GraphQL APIs with PostgreSQL - GeeksforGeeks

Creating a GraphQL API with PostgreSQL · Step 1: Set Up the Database Schema · Step 2: Initialize a Node.js Project · Step 3: Define GraphQL Schema.

supabase/pg_graphql: GraphQL support for PostgreSQL - GitHub

pg_graphql reflects a GraphQL schema from the existing SQL schema. The extension keeps schema translation and query resolution neatly contained on your ...

How to connect GraphQL and PostgreSQL - Stack Overflow

... GraphQL, but to a actually store the data in Postgres. ... /** * We get the node interface ... How to exit from PostgreSQL command line utility: ...

Connect a Postgres database to a GraphQL API using the ... - StepZen

Extending Your GraphQL API. Any Query or Mutation field in your StepZen GraphQL schema can be annotated with the @dbquery directive to connect to a database ...

Tutorial: Create a GraphQL API for a PostgreSQL database - IBM

Generate the GraphQL Schema · Create a workspace directory for your project; for example: mkdir postgresql-tutorial · Navigate into your new workspace directory ...

GraphQL for PostgreSQL - Why? - DEV Community

The comparison is more between a REST API and the Hasura/Prisma/Postgraphile set. It's certainly more convenient to point one of those at your ...

Building Real-Time Charts With GraphQL And Postgres

Hasura GraphQL Engine is an open-source GraphQL server that takes a Postgres connection and allows you to query the Postgres data over realtime ...

Integrating a PostgreSQL Database with GraphQL Server to Persist ...

Integrating a PostgreSQL Database with GraphQL Server to Persist Data in a To-Do App · What is gqlgen? · Schema First Approach · Project structure.

We built a database UI for Postgres with an instant GraphQL API

Comments Section ... Hello World Developers! We've built a Postgres Database UI on top of Hasura's GraphQL Engine. We wrote a detailed blog post ...

Simple GraphQL API with PostgreSQL - GitHub

A simple GraphQL API built with Node.js and the Express.js framework. For the database PostgreSQL is used, with the pg-promise library.

pg_graphql: GraphQL for PostgreSQL | Supabase Docs

The pg_graphql resolve method is designed to interop with PostgREST, the tool that underpins the Supabase API, such that the graphql.resolve function can be ...

Generating a GraphQL API from a PostgreSQL schema using ...

PostGraphile 's Features · instant GraphQL schema via reflection over PostgreSQL database API · compiles complex GraphQL queries into very few SQL statements ...

PostGraphile Instant GraphQL API

PostGraphile automatically detects tables, columns, indexes, relationships, views, types, functions, comments, and more — providing a GraphQL server that is ...

Join Data from PostgreSQL Declaratively in GraphQL Without ...

With StepZen, you can create a GraphQL API for any data source, including PostgreSQL databases. If you already have a database, you can import ...

Postgres: GraphQL Queries - Hasura

GraphQL queries are used to fetch data from the server. Hasura GraphQL Engine auto-generates queries as part of the GraphQL schema from your Postgres schema ...

Creating a GraphQL API with Node.js and PostgreSQL

js and PostgreSQL? A well-built GraphQL API can turn out to be a great asset for your software application. GraphQL is an excellent tool for ...