
A good way to hash two numbers with known properties together

Best way to hash two values into one? - Cryptography Stack Exchange

I don't really know if it's widely used, but concatenating shouldn't be a problem if, for example, each string has a fixed, known length.

A good way to hash two numbers with known properties together

I am looking for a good way to hash the two numbers together into a deterministic 64-bit integer. Tabular hashing with randomly generated keys works ...

Create a hashcode of two numbers - Stack Overflow

Finding the perfect balance is the key here. Also you should take into consideration how large your effective hash can be, and if hashing should ...

What is a good hash function for a pair of integers? - Quora

An easy way to achieve such a good hash function for two fixed size integers is to interpret the two integers as the digits of an integer of twice the size.

Double Hashing - GeeksforGeeks

It works by using two hash functions to compute two different hash values for a given key. The first hash function is used to compute the ...

A way to hash two values to a single unique value : r/math - Reddit

11 votes, 23 comments. I'm looking for a way to hash two values to a single unique value, such that: [f(x,y) = f(y,x)] !

Creating a hash of a sort insensitive list of numbers... Ive got two ...

This means your second order insensitive hashing algorithm will have trivial collisions for non-identical lists. BTW even if you extended to ...

3.4 Hash Tables - Algorithms, 4th Edition

If the key type has multiple integer fields, we can typically mix them together in the way just described for String values. ... a good hash function for a given ...

String Hashing - Algorithms for Competitive Programming

The idea behind the string hashing is the following: we map each string into an integer and compare those instead of the strings.

Hash function for two numbers - C Board

Too check for existence, I use a hash table. My first idea was to have a hash function that takes x and y as parameters, computes c = x + y then ...

Hash function - Wikipedia

Use of hash functions relies on statistical properties of key and function interaction: worst-case behavior is intolerably bad but rare, and average-case ...

What is hashing and how does it work? | Definition from TechTarget

A hash function generates new values according to a mathematical hashing algorithm, known as a hash value or simply a hash. To prevent the conversion of a hash ...

What are Hash Functions and How to choose a good Hash Function?

1. The hash function should be simple to compute. 2. Number of collisions should be less while placing the record in the hash table.Ideally no ...

Universal hashing with a prime field - YouTube

We discuss hash functions of the form ((ax + b) mod p) mod n, and prove they form a universal family. These materials are also openly ...

General Purpose Hash Function Algorithms - By Arash Partow

Each message is hashed using two different hash functions H1 and H2. The diagram depicts how H1 generally distributes the hash values for the messages evenly ...

Hash table hash function - YouTube

Related Videos: Hash table intro/hash function: Hash table separate chaining: ...

Cryptographic hash function - Wikipedia

-bit output result (hash value) for a random input string ("message") is 2 − n {\displaystyle 2^{-n}} {\displaystyle 2^{-n}} (as for any good hash), so the hash ...

Efficient integer pair hashing - Synerise AI/BigData Research

Usually, to hash a set of integer tuples one would probably start with some standard hash function just to realize how inefficient it is and ...

Make Hash return same value whather the order of element of a tuple

Implementations of hash should ensure that the data they pass to the Hasher are prefix-free. That is, unequal values should cause two different ...

Combining hash values | myeyesareblind

Hashing · The properties that a good hash function must possess. · Existing implementations from a few well-known libraries. · Performance with ...