
A non cluster admin role that can deploy operators?

A non cluster admin role that can deploy operators? - Reddit

One option would be to create a privileged service account and allow the admins to impersonate it. This is kind of like Sudo for k8s. Basically ...

Allowing non-cluster administrators to install Operators

Cluster administrators can associate an Operator group with a service account that has a set of privileges granted to it.

3.6. Allowing non-cluster administrators to install Operators

By associating an Operator group with a service account that has a set of privileges granted to it, cluster administrators can set policy on Operators to ensure ...

With Kubernetes Operators comes great responsibility - Red Hat

Some Operators do not require cluster roles to manage the operand, especially if they are deployed in the same namespace as the operand.

[Question] Restricting rolebindings when deploying everything into ...

It needs to create the Cluster Role Bindings because some of these rights are granted to the operands which are deployed by the operator. They are not needed ...

Kubernetes RBAC Explained: Challenges, Approaches, and More

Cluster-admin: This “superuser” can perform any action on any resource in a cluster. · Admin: This role permits unlimited read/write access to ...

Azure built-in roles - Azure RBAC | Microsoft Learn

Grants read/write access to most Kubernetes resources within a namespace in the fleet-managed hub cluster. This role does not allow viewing or ...

Restricting cluster-admin permissions - Giant Swarm

Generally, and by default, operators of the cluster are assigned to the cluster-admin ClusterRole. This gives the user access and permission to ...

Using RBAC Authorization | Kubernetes

If you want to define a role within a namespace, use a Role; if you want to define a role cluster-wide, use a ClusterRole. Role example. Here's.

Using RBAC to define and apply permissions - OKD Documentation

Default cluster roles · admin. A project manager. · basic-user. A user that can get basic information about projects and users. · cluster-admin. A super-user that ...

Generated Role.yaml and RoleBinding.yaml don't work ... - GitHub

Trying to follow the use-case for developers (and not cluster-admins) to deploy operators into a development namespace. Developers can ...

Everyone might be a cluster-admin in your Kubernetes cluster

Sometimes this role was added because someone wanted to make their CI/CD tool (e.g. Jenkins) manage Kubernetes resources in the cluster, and it ...

Concepts - Access and identity in Azure Kubernetes Services (AKS)

Assign roles to users for a given namespace using RoleBindings. With RoleBindings, you can logically segregate a single AKS cluster, only ...

Kubernetes Operator FAQ - CloudARK - Medium

Deploying the Operator's container Pod requires Role level permission on the deployment object. This permission can be granted to a regular user ...

Limiting access to Kubernetes resources with RBAC - Learnk8s

Or you might want to grant a narrow set of permissions to an operator deployed in the cluster. ... ClusterRoleBindings can not reference Roles. Perhaps the most ...

Reduce permissions of kubernetes operator - Stack Overflow

Assuming that you need to add privileges to your clusterrole because your controller is reconciling Kubernetes workloads itself, you could ...

Role Based Access Control Good Practices - Kubernetes

Administrators should not use cluster-admin accounts except where specifically needed. Providing a low privileged account with impersonation ...

Can a non-cluster admin role create a CustomResourceDefinition?

Question. Can a non-cluster admin role create a CustomResourceDefinition? Answer. By default, you need to have cluster-admin role to create a ...

Adding Operators to a cluster - OKD Documentation

As a cluster administrator, you can install an Operator from OperatorHub by using the OKD web console or CLI.

Deploying and Managing Strimzi (In Development)

... admin role that allows non-cluster ... A system administrator can designate Strimzi administrators after the Cluster Operator is deployed. Prerequisites.