
Activists Try to Overturn Hyde Amendment Which Restricts Abortion

Activists Try to Overturn Hyde Amendment Which Restricts Abortion

Find out how activists, like All* Above All, are fighting to overturn the Hyde Amendment, a 1976 act that bans Medicaid and federal public ...

The Hyde Amendment and Coverage for Abortion Services Under ...

Wade ruling, the Hyde Amendment initially only affected federal funding for abortions under Medicaid, a state and federal health program for ...

Move Afoot to Overturn Hyde Amendment Restrictions on Abortion

Truthout is an indispensable resource for activists, movement leaders and workers everywhere. Please make this work possible with a quick ...

Access Denied: Origins of the Hyde Amendment and Other ...

Promoting Reproductive Freedom for Low-Income Women Restoring abortion funding for poor women is an immediate priority for the ACLU ...

The Hyde Amendment Has Perpetuated Inequality in Abortion ...

For 40 years, the Hyde Amendment has perpetuated inequality by blocking access to safe, legal abortion for low-income women and women of color on Medicaid.

Biden omitted an abortion restriction from his budget. Women of ...

Harris. In hopes that the Biden administration would advocate for Congress to repeal the Hyde Amendment, a provision in the federal budget that ...

How the Hyde Amendment Is Related to the Overturn of Roe V. Wade

The Hyde Amendment, which took effect just four years after Roe v. Wade was passed, prevents federal funds from being used to provide ...

Abortion Funding: Save the Hyde Amendment

The Hyde Amendment has been an important guardrail restricting taxpayer funds from paying for most elective abortions through domestic spending.

Democrats promise Biden-era abortion showdown over Hyde ...

WASHINGTON — House Democrats have spent two years passing government funding legislation without picking a fight over abortion, ...

We're Finally Getting A Little Closer to Repealing the Hyde ...

This Thursday, House Republicans will hold a hearing on the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” or HR 7, a sweeping measure to broadly ...

With Abortion Rights Under Attack, Activists Urge Biden to Strike ...

Biden could craft a budget that strikes down the amendment, which withholds abortion coverage from millions of people.

Democrats advance spending bill that would overturn the Hyde ...

Republicans blasted the effort to repeal the amendment after 40 years and said it could impact government funding negotiations.

Biden's Budget Removes A Longstanding Ban On Abortion Funding

Biden's budget follows through on a campaign promise to overturn the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding ban on federal funding for most ...

What Is the Hyde Amendment? A Look at Its Impact as Biden ...

It's a measure banning federal funding for abortion. More precisely, it states that Medicaid will not pay for an abortion unless the woman's life is in danger.

The House just passed a sweeping abortion funding ban. Here's ...

It permanently denies millions of women the ability to get health insurance coverage for abortion.

The Hyde Amendment Creates an Unacceptable Barrier To Women ...

The federal laws that withhold insurance coverage of abortion from qualified women threaten women's health and well-being. These restrictions, commonly known as ...

The Future of the Hyde Amendment: Learning from Our Past to Build ...

Bond Leonard. Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) played a key role in turning me into a reproductive health activist. The Amendment that he authored ...

The Hyde Amendment and abortion: Why it's in the news and what ...

Here's more on the history of the amendment, what it does, and what activists on both sides have to say about it.

Historical Abortion Law Timeline: 1850 to Today

1955: Conference on Abortion Legalization. In response to increasingly alarming media coverage of unsafe, illegal abortions, Planned Parenthood held a first-of- ...

how the hyde amendment harms poor women

amendment currently prohibits federal funding for abortion under the Medicaid program, except in cases of rape, incest, or life endangerment. If states wish to.