
Adolescent brain in a social world

Adolescent brain in a social world: Unravelling the positive power of ...

With fewer adults around, adolescents turn more often to their peers for information and advice. Thus, peers' opinions become very important, if not the most ...

Adolescent brain in a social world: Unravelling the positive power of ...

Adolescence is a period of growing focus on social interactions and relationships. The peer context is one of the most significant developmental contexts in ...

Development of the social brain in adolescence - PMC

This paper focuses on how the social brain develops during adolescence. Adolescence is a time characterized by change – hormonally, physically, psychologically ...

How Social Media Use Affects Adolescent Brain Development

These platforms give adolescents the opportunity for increased social interaction at a time when their brains are especially sensitive to social ...

Adolescent brain in a social world: Unravelling the positive power of ...

Adolescence is a period of growing focus on social interactions and relation- ships. The peer context is one of the most significant ...

Developing the Social Brain: Insights from the Science of Adolescence

Therefore, one of the major developmental tasks of adolescence is to learn how to navigate the complex social world of one's society.

Adolescent neurobiological susceptibility to social context - PMC

We propose that adolescent development is shaped by brain-based individual differences in sensitivity to social contexts – be they positive or negative.

The Connecting Adolescent Brain

Meanwhile, the network of brain regions that make up the “social brain” also changes during adolescence. These changes help us tune into social and emotional ...

The Adolescent Brain: Why they do the things they do

Research shows that adolescents have heightened information processing abilities and social sensitivity that help them navigate their complex ...

Landmark study shows that 'transcendent' thinking may grow teens ...

CANDLE scientists find that adolescents who grapple with the bigger meaning of social situations experience greater brain growth, ...

Inside the adolescent brain | Knowable Magazine

Many adolescents are impatient for the world to become a better place, and eager to help make that happen. Developmental neuroscientist Evelyn ...

Diverse adolescents' transcendent thinking predicts young adult ...

... social world and self, here called transcendent thinking, as a hallmark ... Social connectedness, mental health and the adolescent brain.

Understanding the Teenage Brain I Anchored Hope Therapy, LLC

Adolescence is a time of navigating a new social world, new skills, and new opportunities. It is a period of learning how to manage emotions ...

Understanding the Dynamics of the Developing Adolescent Brain ...

One of the major goals for research on adolescent development is to identify the optimal conditions for adolescents to grow up in a complex social world and ...

Mentalizing strategies for navigating the social world in adolescence

A major contribution of this body of neuroimaging research thus far has been the provision of evidence that social brain regions continue to ...

Adolescent Brains Are Wired to Want Status and Respect

From an evolutionary sense, much of adolescents' behavior pushes them to leave the safety of family to explore the larger social world—a step on the way to ...

Adolescent brain in a social world | Scholarly Publications

Adolescent brain in a social world: unravelling the positive power of peers from a neurobehavioral perspective ; All authors: Güroğlu, B. ; Date: 2020-10-12.

The Adolescent Brain: A second window of opportunity - Unicef

In the context of modern society, mating and child-bearing tend to occur long after the pubertal transition, pointing to the need for adolescents to have a wide ...

For adolescents, social media might be a brain-changer ... - CNN

“For youth who habitually check their social media, the brain is changing in a way that is becoming more and more sensitive to social feedback ...

Development of the adolescent brain: implications for executive ...

This talk focuses on how the social brain (the network of brain regions involved in understanding others) develops during adolescence. Adolescence is defined as ...