
An introduction to indoctrination

An introduction to indoctrination - (article ) What is Education?

“Indoctrination” is a vital educational concept. It has to do with the harm that may be caused through learning in the educational domain.

Indoctrination: What is it to Indoctrinate Someone?

This is an example of the 'paradox of indoctrination'. Education aims to produce students who hold beliefs rationally and open-mindedly, but ...

Indoctrination | 11 | v5 | An Introduction to Philosophy of Education

To 'indoctrinate' originally meant simply to 'teach' or 'instruct'. But today it is generally regarded as a normative term with strong negative overtones.

Indoctrination - Wikipedia

Indoctrination is the process of inculcating (teaching by repeated instruction) a person or people into an ideology uncritically.

What is Indoctrination? - Homeschool Freedom Action Center

Indoctrination, defined by the Random House College Dictionary, means “to instruct in a doctrine or ideology” or “to imbue a person with learning.”

(PDF) What Is “Indoctrination”? - ResearchGate

It is a distasteful activity because it is aimed at limiting the individual's ability to think and choose. Religious or moral education are not necessarily ...

Indoctrination | The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Education

Insufficient regard for evidence is essential to an adequate conception of indoctrination, or so we shall argue. However, Snook's formulation and all other ...

Indoctrination - (Philosophy of Education) - Fiveable

Indoctrination refers to the process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.

Letter: Education vs. Indoctrination — Let's clarify! - Easton Courier

Education involves the seeking of facts, and learning about what is the truth, and what is not. Indoctrination is aimed at influencing people to believe in ...

Indoctrination.pdf - VU Research Portal

The Ideology Theory of Indoctrination proposes if students are taught to believe, e.g., that Marxism is correct, that's indoctrination because Marxism is an.

Varieties of Indoctrination (V-Indoc): Introducing a Global Dataset on ...

indoctrination in the case of China by studying the effects of introducing new pro-regime content in the curriculum. Their results show that a curriculum reform ...

Indoctrination | Journal of Philosophy of Education | Oxford Academic

41) in an educational culture that does not accept the implanting of doctrines as a legitimate form of educational influence. Gatchel argues ...

Educate to Indoctrinate: Education Systems Were First Designed to ...

Paglayan's study, “Education or Indoctrination? The Violent Origins of Public School Systems in an Era of State-Building,” is available online ...

Saul Ostrow : An Introduction to an Indoctrination (For B. Brecht)

Ostrow, Saul. Saul Ostrow : An Introduction to an Indoctrination (For B. Brecht). Double sided card / announcement published in conjunction with show held ...

The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education - Indoctrination

Indoctrinated beliefs are impervious to contradictory findings and are, therefore, incapable of amendment by the introduction of evidence or criticism. The ...

Varieties of Indoctrination: The Politicization of Education and the ...

According to the 1901 New England Dictionary, indoctrination is “instruction, formal teaching” (Raywid Reference Raywid1980, 2).Footnote However ...

Indoctrination, Imagination and Moral Education - ResearchGate

Given the fact that children have yet to possess moral autonomy and acquire a moral point of view, a number of philosophers have argued that indoctrination is ...

IndoctriNation - Master Books

Look behind the comfortable myths of an educational system actively at work to alter your child's moral values, worldview, and religious ...

Indoctrination Is Not Education - Minding The Campus

1. Students are led to believe facts as told by an influencer. The influencer is unable to back up the facts with anything other than ideology ...

Indoctrination | 12 | v3 | An Introduction to Philosophy of Education

Indoctrination. loading. Chapter. Indoctrination. DOI link for Indoctrination. Indoctrination. ByRonald Woods, Robin Barrow. BookAn Introduction to Philosophy ...