
Antler Point Restrictions| Do They Work ??

Do Antler Point Restrictions Work? | MeatEater Wired To Hunt

They also increase the number of males 2 ½ and older in areas where hunters can shoot antlerless deer or elk, but average antler sizes in the ...

Antler Restrictions: Good or Bad? | Mossy Oak

Lavigne even admits: “Antler point schemes do not reduce excessive hunting pressure (or mortality rate) on antlered bucks. They merely shift ...

Antler-Point Restrictions | Missouri Department of Conservation

These counties require that bucks you harvest have at least four antler points on one side of their rack. This rule applies to both the archery and firearms ...

The effectiveness of antler point restrictions to achieve management ...

Our results confirm that antler point restrictions are effective at increasing the age structure of harvested male white-tailed deer.

Fact Sheet 6: Understanding Mule Deer And Antler Point Restrictions

The idea seems straightforward and promising; if we just don't allow hunters to harvest young bucks, they will grow older and bigger and be available for ...

The unintended DOWNSIDES of Antler Point Restrictions... - YouTube

your top their bucks too young - Antler point restrictions..... do they work? - What bucks are protected with antler point restriction and ...

Antler Restrictions Are They Working - Game Commission

When defining antler restrictions, antler points and spread can be used. Although hunters can judge both criteria in the field, we chose antler points. APRs can ...

Using Antler Restrictions to Manage for Older-aged Bucks

An antler restriction that protects from harvest all bucks with fewer than four total antler points protects about 60 percent of the yearling bucks and none of ...

Antler Point Restrictions Management Technique | Mossy Oak

How Antler Point Restrictions Work ... Because antler size generally increases with age, deer managers use antler restrictions to protect one or ...

Missouri's 'Antler Point' Restriction: Don't Drink the Kool Aid!

Beginning in 2004, the Missouri Department of Conservation began testing Antler Point Restrictions on hunters, as a deer management tool.

Point restrictions - Your Missouri Hunting Resource

Had nothing to do with CWD. Antler point restrictions were designed to get more people to shoot does and let those smaller bucks grow. It ...

Why Antler Point Restrictions Don't Work | In the Field - YouTube

Until next time In the Field feel free to support us here too: Arise Apparel Referral Link - 10% ...

Antler point restrictions | Archery Talk Forum

Trophy hunters may think APR's are great, but they better be careful what they wish for! I would favor some form of limiting buck tags, at least ...

Mule Deer: Why Antler-Point Restrictions Don't Work

They can cheapen the value of young bucks by changing the threshold for success from “any buck” is good to a quest where “only a big buck will ...

Antler Point Restrictions: Are They Good or Bad for Hunting?

Hunters seem to either love or hate the concept of antler point restrictions. For the most part, they are being used for white-tailed deer ...

Mandatory Antler Point Restrictions: A Dangerous Precedent

The beauty of VAPR is that no one is penalized. Hunters who are happy with a buck that has spikes or forks can shoot them, but at least 50 ...

Successful 20 years of antler point restrictions in PA - Erie Times-News

On the 20th anniversary of antler point restrictions in Pennsylvania, the Pennsylvania Game Commission reports the regulations have improved ...

The effectiveness of antler point restrictions to achieve management ...

Therefore, managers might consider using antler point restrictions to reduce the harvest of yearling males, but these regulations are ...

APRs: The Pros Cons and Unknowns | Michigan Out-of-Doors

Critics of antler point restrictions also say they have led to deer overpopulation, increases in deer/vehicle collisions and destruction of ...

Do Antler Point Restrictions work? - Mule Deer Fanatic

Whether antler point restrictions work or not depends on what you think the objective is. If the objective is for hunters to see more mature ...