
Are high impact factor journals better for you?

Q. What is considered a good impact factor?

Impact Factors are used to measure the importance of a journal by calculating the number of times selected articles are cited within the last few years.

Why should we always aim for the highest Impact Factor (IF) journal ...

Furthermore, when you publish in a high impact factor journal, more people see your results. ... good, but not the best, journals and conferences.

Should I care that much about the Impact factor for my first paper?

Whether people like it or not, within a given field, the high-IF journals are generally read more, respected more, and cited more. All that said ...

How important is publishing research in high impact factor journals ...

Why do you want to publish your research? Dissemination of information? Yes. Journals with high impact factor means that they have better ...

What is a Good Impact Factor for a Journal? - AJE

A good journal impact factor (IF) is often the main consideration for researchers when they're looking for a place to publish their work.

What Is a Good Impact Factor for an Academic Journal? - AKJournals

In the world of library science, academic journals, and scholarly research, a good impact factor is very important. Impact Factor Journal Impact Factor is the ...

What is a high impact journal and what is an impact factor?

However, you should keep in mind that not all journals with high impact factors are necessarily good or prestigious or hard to get published in.

What is a good impact factor? - Paperpile

Ultimately, this measure calculates the rank of the journal in question. The more citations a journal has, the higher ranked it is. With higher ranking comes ...

Are high impact factor journals better for you? - LinkedIn

There are fewer chemical engineering papers per year than chemistry papers, hence the chance for a paper in them to collect citations is lower - ...

Hate journal impact factors? New study gives you one more reason

Scientists have a love-hate relationship with the journal impact factor (JIF), the measurement used to rank technical journals by prestige.

What a Journal Impact Factor Is and Isn't - McGill University

good the papers it publishes really are. If the journal has a high impact factor, it must mean the research you will find within it is solid ...

High Impact Journals

A journal's impact factor is a measure of the frequency with which an average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. The following list ...

Should you care about Journal Impact Factor when publishing your ...

... will walk you through grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, editing techniques, and more, to allow you to make your writing of high ...

Journal impact factors, rankings, and citations: why I do and don't ...

A high impact factor suggests lots of readers, and that lots of them cite those articles when they themselves write papers. It's important to ...

Why you should not use the journal impact factor to evaluate research

The JIF varies depending on the article types within a journal. Review articles are generally cited more often than other types of articles ...

Publishing only in the journals with high impact factors or publishing ...

Publishing quality papers in good journals ultimately advance one's academic career - you get noticed by experienced researchers who may invite ...

Relationship between journal impact factor and the thoroughness ...

Further, high impact factor journals may be more prestigious to review for and can thus afford to recruit more senior scholars. Of note, there ...

Getting Published in Higher Impact Journals: Some Pointers

These tend to be popular because they are generally well-cited, boosting the impact factor of the journal itself (remember, journal editors will ...

Q. What are impact factors and how do I find one?

The higher the impact factor, the more highly ranked the journal. It is one tool you can use to compare journals in a subject category.

What is the Impact Factor? | Why Publish in Impact Factor journals?

High-impact journals have a wide readership and a global presence. By publishing in these journals, researchers gain access to a larger and more ...