
Arguments against an SSB tax in Australia

Arguments against an SSB tax in Australia | Obesity Evidence Hub

The World Health Organization says that arguments against SSB taxes are usually either false or greatly overstated.

Sugar-sweetened beverage tax: the inconvenient truths - PMC

In Australia, a large number of public health, academic and consumer groups now support the introduction of a tax on SSB( ). However, political support has been ...

Case for a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in Australia

National surveys conducted between 2017 and 2018 showed that the majority of Australians supported a tax on sugary drinks, particularly if the proceeds were ...

A Case Study on Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxation in Australia

The influence of nutrition actors was also impeded by weak connections to key policy-makers and missed collaborative opportunities with pro-SSB tax ...

Qualitative insights into Australian consumers' views for and against ...

d) Taxation ... In contrast, other participants who held more positive views towards an SSB tax thought it would be a good deterrent and raise ...

Sin taxes- the arguments for and against

Revenue from a sugar tax depends on the level of consumption and as consumption of sugary drinks has been going down in Australia and New ...

Fat Chance: Why sugar taxes won't work

9 Similar arguments apply for the Australian social safety net system. ... The previous section presented strong arguments against the proposed sugar tax on SSBs ...

Effect of message framing on support for a sugar-sweetened ...

However, in Australia where SSB consumption per capita is high, and calls for an SSB tax are frequent, there is no SSB tax and policymakers have ...

Sugar tax: why health experts want it but politicians and industry are ...

Lobby groups from the food and beverage industry are powerful. The Australian Beverages Council, the industry's lobby group, has been fighting ...

Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxation – Industry Arguments

This SSB tax evidence sheet contains common opposition arguments against SSB taxation and ... SSB tax in Australia found that the lowest.

countering common arguments against taxes on sugary drinks

Taxation of sugar-sweetened beverage (SSBs) is internationally recommended as a priority component of a comprehensive approach to preventing and controlling.

Sugar-sweetened beverage tax: the inconvenient truths

In Australia, a large number of public health, academic and consumer groups now support the introduction of a tax on SSB ( ). However, political ...

The sugar debate: To tax or not to tax - RACGP

The argument over a tax on sugary drinks continues, despite the Federal Government's refusal to implement one. Evidence has shown that sugar is ...

What young Australians think about a tax on sugar‐sweetened ...

This study provides the first Australian data of young adults' views on an SSB tax. More than 90% of participants agreed that SSBs contributed to obesity and 85 ...

I've heard all the arguments against a sugar tax. I'm still calling for ...

Granted, consumers might switch to sugary flavoured milks and fruit juices (most of which are owned by the Big Soda giants and contain just as ...

Chapter 6 - Parliament of Australia

6.30 Equally, the Committee noted analysis that a SSB tax would have a disproportionate impact on poorer Australians, as well as industry arguments that a SSB ...

Why Doesn't Australia Have a Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax?

Industry opposition, unsupportive politicians, and ideological resistance ... One of the strongest barriers to the SSB tax was opposition from the ...

Don't believe the myths – taxing sugary drinks makes us drink less of it

A 20% health tax on sugary drinks would also raise over A$600 million to invest back into the health of Australians. After sugar taxes are ...

A case-study of a sugar-sweetened beverages tax in Australia

Australia is a substantial way from implementing a sugar-sweetened beverages tax. · Industry interference, fragmented advocacy and conflicting political agendas ...

Countering Common Arguments Against Taxes on Sugary Drinks

Arguments against SSB taxes tend to closely mirror those used against tobacco taxes, including that these taxes are not effective, are regressive.