
Awareness of God's Presence

Awareness of God's Presence: The Heart of Christian Mindfulness

Awareness of God's presence is a simple spiritual discipline just like Bible reading, prayer, or worship. It isn't mystical, mysterious, or esoteric.

The Awareness of God's Presence – Dr. Charles Stanley - YouTube

Why would anyone want to live life apart from a loving, sovereign God who knows everything, has limitless power, and is every place, ...

Cultivating an Awareness of God - Danny Anderson

Cultivating an Awareness of God · 1. Maintain an ongoing conversation with God throughout the day. · 2. Memorize key passages of Scripture and meditate on them ...

Cultivating Attentiveness to God's Presence - C.S. Lewis Institute

Periodic awareness of God is not God's design. Instead, our triune God desires for us to cultivate a practice that is the habitual pattern of ...

Charles Stanley - The Awareness of God's Presence -

Our awareness of His presence is vital to whatever He wants to do in our life. The Spirit of God is living within us.

How to become more aware of God's presence - Living Theology

As a follower of Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in you. Therefore, God is always present in you. Here are two examples suggesting how you can expect to ...

Becoming highly aware of God's presence -

Those who grow spiritually mature tend to become highly aware of God's presence. They notice His hand at work all around them.

Living in Constant Awareness of God's Immediate Presence

The Scripture teaches that God is not only present everywhere in the universe, but they put an emphasis on the truth that He is always right next to us.

8 Minutes to Becoming More Aware of God's Presence - Medium

I've learned 2 habits that can dramatically increase your awareness of God's presence. The best part is that these habits will only take you 8 minutes per day!


God has vowed to never leave you nor forsake you, but you can still be a victim of life's circumstances if you are not conscious of His presence.

Why You Might Not Be Aware of God's Presence

Learn to experience a deeper awareness of God's presence with these indicators that reveal if you are truly awake or asleep.

A Conscious Awareness of God's Presence - Faith Pulpit

Living with a conscious awareness of God's presence will keep us from sin. An awareness of His closeness will remind us that sin offends and grieves Him.

Three Ways to Increase Our Awareness of God's Presence at Work

Put God First in Your Heart. We begin raising our awareness of the presence of God in our work when we put the Lord first in our hearts.

Are you 'Practising the Presence of God?' - The Gospel Coalition

For me it means putting into practice, whenever possible, a conscious thankful awareness of God's presence, meditation on God's word, praise and ...

Living with the Constant Awareness of God's Presence

In his presence, we can be free from fear and anxiety, because we know His plans for us are for our good (Jer 29:11, Rom 8:28-29). God does have ...

Stewarding an Awareness of the Presence of God | Bethel Church

Bill Johnson teaches on the importance of stewarding a continual awareness of the Presence of God. There is nothing more important in our ...

The Wonderful Awareness of the Power and Presence of God —

David understood God's presence and power. He knew God to be his Creator and Redeemer because God revealed Himself to David.

The Evidence of God's Presence

This is the Christian life. Because some people come to church, they pray to God but when they get out of church they are not aware that their words, thoughts, ...

Increase Your Awareness of God's Presence

Cultivating an awareness of God's Presence is a spiritual discipline like Bible reading, prayer or worship, available to all Christians.

Awareness of God's Presence - St. John's Jesuit

Awareness of God's Presence ... Conscious of your presence, Lord, I look over my recent past. Let me be honest with myself about how I've been and ...