
Bad performance of large SwiftUI lists on macOS

Bad performance of large SwiftUI lists on macOS - Stack Overflow

I have a SwiftUI app which displays large lists of 1000 to 5000 items. I noticed that on macOS displaying such a long list has very bad performance.

SwiftUI 'List' performance issue on macOS - Apple Developer Forums

Hi, When using SwiftUI 'List' with a large number of elements (4000+), I noticed a significant performance issue if extracting the views inside the 'ForEach ...

performance on a huge list : r/SwiftUI - Reddit

Your lags comes from the lazy stack because it loads the cells as you're going through them, instead of loading on view initialization and ...

How to fix slow List updates in SwiftUI - Hacking with Swift

If you have a SwiftUI list with lots of rows, you might find it's really slow to update when you sort or filter those rows – code that should ...

Performance issues with SwiftUI on macOS - Realm - MongoDB

On macOS, SwiftUI's List is not lazy-loading. · By default, ANY change to ANY object in @ObservedResults will invalidate ALL views in the ...

Performance Struggles With SwiftData and List - Hacking with Swift

This is my first SwiftUI app and I'm fairly embarassed by how difficult it's being... @Model class PokeList { var name: String var view ...

Demystifying SwiftUI List: Practices for Large Datasets

Having excellent interaction effects and touch is a principle that many iOS developers have adhered to for a long time. The response performance of the same ...

SwiftUI List performance is slow o… | Apple Developer Forums

macOS running SwiftUI is even slower than the iOS simulator. As a simple example, create a List with a few hundred rows (anything over 100 gets pretty bad).

Performance optimization with SwiftUI: Boost your performance

Use small images and avoid high resolution images if it is unnecessary. Cache images. · Use simple animations. Avoid using unnecessary animations ...

SwiftUI Performance Optimisation: How to manage Data Flow and UI ...

How to optimize data flow and managing UI updates efficiently in SwiftUI. In this tutorial, I dive into the common performance pitfalls when ...

Demystify SwiftUI performance - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer

Learn how you can build a mental model for performance in SwiftUI and write faster, more efficient code.

SwiftUI Performance Tuning: Tips and Tricks - Canopas

In some cases, especially in lists with a lot of data, this can have a performance impact. The reason is that SwiftUI relies on the type of ...

Demystify SwiftUI performance | Documentation - WWDC Notes

Symptoms of slow SwiftUI updates: reduced responsiveness, such as hangs and hitches. Hangs: Delays in responding to interaction, like a view taking a long time ...

Can someone provide explanation why SwiftUI is slow? My intuition ...

I think the issue the author had with SwiftUI is not understanding the reactivity system, or frequently choosing an expedient option that caused over-rendering ...

SwiftUI is convenient, but slow - Alin Panaitiu

macOS has a powerful troubleshooting utility for apps called Instruments. Attaching its Time Profiler to Grila showed that the heaviest stack ...

How to fix slow List updates in SwiftUI - YouTube

If you have a SwiftUI list with lots of rows, you might find it's really slow to update when you sort or filter those rows – code that ...

SwiftUI performance tips - martinmitrevski

Most of the time, the performance issues that I've encountered were in one of the above groups. However, this is a live list, that will be ...

Performance issues with SwiftUI + realm - MongoDB

We are experiencing some oddly slow page load times when we have a simple Vstack that contains maybe 20 items. With a very small amount of items ...

Comparing iOS rendering performance: SwiftUI vs. React Native vs ...

When SwiftUI first came out, I remember reading about complaints around its performance. Some animations were janky (compared to UIKit) and ...

Newest 'swiftui-list' Questions - Stack Overflow

SwiftUI List subview performance issue on macOS. When using SwiftUI 'List' with a large number of elements (4000+), I noticed a significant performance issue ...