
Basic Information about Coral Reefs

Basic Information about Coral Reefs | US EPA

Coral reefs provide habitat for a large variety of marine life, including various sponges, oysters, clams, crabs, sea stars, sea urchins, and ...

Coral reef ecosystems

Coral reefs protect coastlines from storms and erosion, provide jobs for local communities, and offer opportunities for recreation. They are ...

Coral Reefs 101: Everything You Need to Know - EcoWatch

The Great Barrier Reef is Earth's largest coral reef system — rather than one reef, it is actually made up of nearly 3,000 separate reefs. It ...

Basic Information about Coral Reefs | US EPA

Stony coral colonies are composed of hundreds of thousands of individual living polyps. Polyps are capable of drawing dissolved calcium from ...

Coral reef - Wikipedia

A coral reef is an underwater ecosystem characterized by reef-building corals. Reefs are formed of colonies of coral polyps held together by calcium ...

Coral Reef Facts | U.S. Geological Survey -

Coral reefs are formed by huge colonies of corals that secrete hard calcareous (aragonite) exoskeletons that give them structural rigidity.

Coral reef facts for kids! - National Geographic Kids

Where are coral reefs found? · Quick facts about coral reefs… · – Coral have growth rings, just like trees! · – The first coral reefs formed on Earth 240 ...

NOAA CoRIS - What are Coral Reefs

Massive reef structures are formed when each stony coral polyp secretes a skeleton of CaCO3. Most stony corals have very small polyps, averaging ...

Coral Reefs Ecology & Biodiversity

Why are coral reefs so important? · 275 million people live within 19 miles (30km) of coral reefs. · Over 100 countries benefit from the recreational value of ...

10 surprising facts about coral reefs... - The Reef-World Foundation

10 surprising facts about coral reefs · A quarter of all marine species live on coral reefs · Corals are animals, not plants · Half a billion ...

Coral: Facts, Conservation, Ecological Importance | IFAW

Coral reefs, often called the 'rainforests of the sea', are among the most biologically diverse and economically valuable ecosystems on Earth.

Coral Reef Facts and Information | United Parks & Resorts

Coral reefs are one of the most biologically diverse ecosystems, rivaling rain forests for the number of species inhabiting them. About 6,000 to 8,000 fish ...

Coral Reefs - National Geographic Education

Reefs provide a large fraction of Earth's biodiversity—they have been called “the rainforests of the seas.” Scientists estimate that 25 percent ...

Seven surprising facts about coral | Shedd Aquarium

The benefits that coral reefs provide us is estimated to be worth $10 trillion per year. Lumpy, plant-like and cup-like coral formations in the ...

Corals and Coral Reefs - Smithsonian Ocean

Corals are related to sea anemones, and they all share the same simple structure, the polyp. The polyp is like a tin can open at just one end: ...

10 fun facts about coral reefs

1. Coral reefs protect wildlife. 'Barrier' reefs get their name because they protect shallow warm waters from the open sea.

Coral Reef Information | Marine Reef | Coral Reef Info

Large limestone formations laid down by the discarded remains of coral polyps and coralline algae. Only a thin outside layer of reef is living tissue: bright ...

Coral - National Geographic Education

Reefs, which form through the accumulation of hard coral, are a vital ecosystem, supporting an estimated 25 percent of ocean species. Corals ...

Coral Reefs For Kids

Water pollution from sewage and runoff is also a major direct threat to coral reefs. ... Algae - simple aquatic organisms capable of producing oxygen through.

Facts: Corals and Coral Reefs - YouTube

Here's the Coral 101. Everything you need to know about corals and the reefs they build. Coral facts! Coral reef facts!