
Best and Worst Drinks for Strong and Healthy Teeth

12 Drinks Ranked: Best And Worst For Your Teeth - Colgate

Everyone knows soda is terrible for your teeth. The high sugar content plus carbonation is a recipe for tooth decay on its own, but cola also ...

Top 5 Best and Worst Drinks for Your Teeth | Saxe Orthodontics

1. Soda Soda is probably one of the worst drinks for your teeth – both regular and diet types! Regular sodas such as lemon-lime or cola are high in sugar and ...

Drinks and Your Teeth: The Good and The Bad | Strobel Dentistry Blog

The Best and Worst Drinks for your Teeth · Water- the gold standard of drinking choices - hydrating, acid neutral, and when you get it from a tap or filter it ...

Drinks That Aren't Bad for Teeth | Penn Dental Family Practice

Plain, clean tap water—especially when fluoridated—poses no danger to teeth. It also quenches thirst better and delivers more health benefits ...

5 Drinks that Are Good (and Bad) for Your Teeth | James Island Dentist

Healthy Drinks for Your Teeth · Water: Water is truly the only beverage your body needs to survive, so the more water you drink, the better.

Best and Worst Drinks for Your Teeth | Orthodontic Associates

They can cause tooth decay and sensitivity and weaken tooth enamel. If you're looking for ways to improve your oral health through what you ...

The 10 Worst Beverages for Your Teeth - Supremia Dentistry

Juice – Fresh juice is your best choice health-wise, but be cautious about how you take care of your teeth after drinking it. One glass of apple or orange juice ...

Best and Worst Drinks for Your Teeth - Dental Smiles | Austin, TX

Fruit juices, especially citrus-based ones like orange juice, may seem healthy but are often high in sugar and very acidic. If you enjoy juice, ...

Best and Worst Drinks For Your Teeth | Top Denver Colorado Dentist

The Good News First · Herbal or green tea: These teas contain healthy antioxidants for your teeth. · Mineral water: In addition to having a high mineral content, ...

Sip Smart: 3 Best and Worst Drinks for Your Teeth

Water is by far the best drink for your teeth—and your overall health. It helps rinse away food particles, bacteria, and acids that can ...

10 Drinks Ranked: Best And Worst For Your Teeth

Milk and dairy is a great choice as it is packed with calcium which is essential for bone health and strong enamel. Milk will also ...

The Best (and Worst) Drinks for Your Teeth - Millennium Dental

Green, white, and black tea all have a lot of antioxidants, which help fight cavity-causing bacteria and reduce inflammation in your gums, but ...

Drinks that are as Bad or Worse for Your Teeth than Soda

If you drink them too often, sports and energy beverages are bad for your dental health. It's best to enjoy them sparingly to maintain strong ...

The Best & Worst Drinks for Teeth - Jordan Elbridge Family Smiles

Fruit juices are one of the beverages that toe the line between being good and bad for teeth. However, be careful when looking for fruit juice ...

Top 3 Worst Drinks for Teeth - Attleboro Falls Family Dentistry

Soda is probably the worst drink for teeth for several reasons. First, it's often widely available. It's also high in sugar and calories.

Four drinks that won't damage your teeth | Iris Dental Point Cook

1. Water It should come as no surprise that water is the best drink when it comes to both your oral and general health.

5 Best Drinks for Your Teeth - McCarthy Dentistry Marietta Ohio

However, drinks with a PH value above 6.5 can be beneficial to your teeth and help make your teeth strong. Drinks that are Harmful to Your Teeth. 1. Coffee and ...

Best and Worst Drinks for Strong and Healthy Teeth - Petit Smiles

Water, milk, green and herbal teas, and vegetable juices are excellent choices that promote oral health.

The Best and Worst Foods for Your Teeth - Health Encyclopedia

The good guys · Fiber-rich fruits and vegetables. Foods with fiber help keep your teeth and gums clean, says the American Dental Association (ADA). · Cheese, milk ...

Best & Worst Drinks for Kids' Teeth

Not only does milk help support strong bones, but strong teeth too! Milk contains calcium, vitamin D, and phosphates, which assist in the health ...