
Biggest Barriers to Teaching Computer Science in High|Schools

Biggest Barriers to Teaching Computer Science in High-Schools

Barrier #1: Lack of Qualified Teachers. Already in 27 states can high-school students count computer science courses towards their graduation requirements.

Barriers and Supports to Offering Computer Science in High Schools

Their findings have indicated that the main reason schools do not offer computer science is because of time, budget, and testing requirements [ ...

3 Big Challenges to Expanding Computer Science Classes and ...

Experts have identified major hurdles to expanding computer science, including finding and training teachers; big gender and racial disparities in course ...

More Than Half of High Schools Now Offer Computer Science, But ...

But access to those courses still remains uneven in many places. Rural and urban schools, and schools that serve a high percentage of kids from ...

Four Practical Challenges for High School Computer Science

We consider four of the most pressing challenges for CS expansions: (a) staffing issues, including equitable access to CS teachers; (b) curricular capacity; (c ...

Top Challenges Facing K-12 Computer Science Education

Computer Science Needs More Awareness. Computer science is, by historical measures, a brand-new field of study. · Schools Need More Specialized Computer Science ...

Why are there so few high schools that teach computer science and ...

There is a distinct lack of a CS culture in high schools. Teachers and administrators are, generally, unfamiliar enough with the field to even ...

What is computer science education lacking? - eSchool News

There are schools where interest in computer science education is very high, but there is only one teacher or there arenot enough resources. In ...

K-12 Computer Science Teaching Strategies, Challenges, and ...

They identified three primary obstacles to effective PD for CS teachers. The first barrier is the lack of collaboration between local schools ...

Sprites, Spreadsheets & Salsa: Breaking Barriers in Computer Science

... computer science course in high school and pursue it as a major in college ... Anntania Emanuel, a Biology teacher at Camden Prep High ...

Barriers and Supports to Offering Computer Science in High Schools

In the age of computing, there still exist many schools that do not offer computer science courses. The reason why can be esoteric to ...

Landscape report of K-12 Computer Science Education in Illinois

significant barrier than administrators and teachers who work in high schools and administrators and teachers who work in elementary schools.

New approach to teaching computer science could broaden the ...

Fitting a new academic discipline into an already crowded curriculum can be a challenge. Integrated computing allows computer science education ...

Why is Computer Science Education So Bad? : r/CSEducation - Reddit

As a student myself, I can relate to this, most teachers are universally bad at explaining concepts. They usually end up teaching the same thing ...

The Urgent Need to Expand Access to Computer Science Education

Several barriers stand in the way of providing computer science education to all students, including access to technology, high quality ...

3 Policy Barriers Facing Computer Science Education

Barrier 1: Lack of Teachers · Barrier 2: Lack of Consistent Teacher Certification Requirements · Barrier 3: Lack of Funding · Overcoming These ...

Teachers' perceptions of the barriers and drivers for the integration ...

Limited time for developing computational thinking skills was also one of the barriers perceived by teachers from primary schools (Israel et al., 2022). Other ...

Chapter: 2 Barriers and Supports for Learners in Computing

A number of factors have been identified, including structural barriers such as access to courses and to technology, cultural barriers related to the norms and ...

Equity-focused Challenges in CS

One of the primary equity-focused challenges in teaching computer science is the unequal access to resources and infrastructure. Disparities in ...

How School Characteristics Affect Barriers to Computing

Hence, less money is spent on updating classes with the latest technology, fewer qualified teachers are present, and course offerings in computer literacy may ...