
Breathing Fire into Landscapes that Burn

Breathing Fire into Landscapes that Burn: Wildfire Management in a ...

This paper traces the history of the province's “Let-it-Burn” policy, asking the question, “how to burn well in compromised lands?”

(PDF) Breathing Fire into Landscapes that Burn: Wildfire ...

Breathing fire back into landscapes that burn is a peculiar solution that at once acknowledges and erases the effects of fire's removal through policies of ...

Breathing Fire into Landscapes that Burn: Wildfire Management in a ...

Breathing fire back into landscapes that burn is a peculiar solution that at once acknowledges and erases the effects of fire's removal through policies of.

Settlers playing with fire: Alex Zahara, 'Breathing Fire into ...

Breathing fire back into landscapes that burn is a peculiar solution that at once acknowledges and erases the effects of fire's removal through ...

Fighting fire with fire: Should California burn its forests to protect ...

This story is part of Breathing Fire, an ongoing Climate Central series of research briefs and journalism projects dealing with wildfires and ...

Breathing fire - The Lancet Planetary Health

While the fires themselves cause widespread damage and threaten the lives of people fighting and fleeing them, it is the particulate matter in the smoke they ...

A Landscape Built to Burn: California Fire Ecology with Tim Hyland

Fire is a critical aspect of California ecology. This talk from Tim Hyland, Natural Resource Program Manager for the Santa Cruz District of ...

The right to burn: barriers and opportunities for Indigenous-led fire ...

Cultural burning is holistic—practices can assist with restoring ecosystem function, and landscapes can once again be cultivated to become more ...

Settler Fire Management - Alex Zahara

Zahara, Alex. 2020. Breathing fire into landscapes that burn: Wildfire management in a time of alterlife. Engaging Science, Technology, and Society 6: 555-585 ...

The Role of Good Fire in Washington's Forests

Prescribed burns take into account the landscape and weather conditions, and require specific safety measures are used to limit and control the ...

Centering Indigenous Voices: The Role of Fire in the Boreal Forest ...

More than a tool, Indigenous peoples in the boreal view fire as an agent, capable of movement, destruction and creation, acting on the landscape ...

Landscape Fires - BeSafeNet

Therefore, the term “landscape fire” is used increasingly. Other names such as bushfire, forest fire, grass fire, peat fire and vegetation fire are also used to ...

Pros and Cons of Burning - Noble Research Institute

Fire is an important natural ecological process in many ecosystems. In this article we'll look at the pros and cons of using prescribed fire for land ...

Wildfire, Smoke Exposure, Human Health, and Environmental ...

Recent large fire events across the western US have called attention to the need to restore frequent fire and cultural burning practices [29, 30] and to address ...

Case studies - Cultural Burning & Prescribed Fire

It holds different meanings for different Indigenous communities but is often defined as the controlled application of fire on the landscape to achieve specific ...

Wildfires | Environmental Defense Fund

Wildfires are unplanned fires that burn in forests, grasslands and other ecosystems, and they can start with a natural event like a lightning strike, ...

The Pros and Cons of Prescribed Burns | WFCA

It can always turn into a wildfire, at which point it could spread and destroy homes, injure humans, and displace animals from their natural ...

Burned Area Rehabilitation | U.S. Department of the Interior

Fire plays a natural and necessary role in many landscapes. Periodic low-intensity fires speed up forest decomposition and deliver nutrients to remaining plants ...

Wildfire's Impact on Our Environment

After a fire, foliage-free soil doesn't absorb water easily. These burn scars increase runoff and provide a pathway for the transport of debris ...

Wildfire Management in a Time of Alterlife - X-MOL

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