
Building multiple executables from one module

GO | create 2 different executables on the same module

A module can produce two executables, but a single package cannot. Create a package for each executable.

Building multiple executables from one module - Google Groups

I'd like a way to build the executables in a single command. Currently I enter each directory and build explicitly, ie for d in bin/*; do (cd $d && go build); ...

Multiple executables, thus multiple different builds of the same static ...

Other possibility (or maybe just as a helper) would be to create an INTERFACE target for each set of macros (and other common options) and link ...

Multiple entrypoint executables #6634 - pyinstaller - GitHub

Yes, having multiple Analysis / PYZ / EXE (parametrized to produce a onedir build) and a shared COLLECT() is the best way to generate a multi-executable bundle ...

Folder structure for single project, multiple executables : r/golang

I'd like to create a project that will use other executables as support programs; I'd also like to share custom packages to reduce recreating functions.

Dune question: two executables sharing a module - OCaml Discuss

I want to create two executable files that share a single module arith_inst. Here is what I tried to do in my dune file: (executable ...

C/C++: multiple executables within the project

The only way to do this in a single C++ project is to create multiple configurations, each one building a different executable.

Multiple executable in project : r/haskell - Reddit

The issue here is that each executable is seeing each other as a library module and complaining i.e. when GHC goes to compile ex-01, it also ...

Building Multiple Programs | Chemeketa CS

If you want to easily be able to make both program at once, you can add a phone all rule as the first one. It lists programA.exe and programB.exe as ...

Having multiple executables with the same name in a build.zig ...

... Create a build.zig with multiple executables with the same name and file output location build.zig const std = @import("std"); pub ...

Application made up of multiple executable programs

Each module could be designed as an assembly of its own, with a class library interface, so it could be called either from a standalone frontend ...

How to build a multi-executable project - Code - CMake Discourse

How to build a multi-executable project ... My project is made of many executable binary files (namely “modules”). ... In a fist step I have done ...

Packing multiple binaries in a Golang package - Ilija Eftimov ‍

The '.exe' suffix is added when writing a Windows executable. Also, this: When compiling multiple packages or a single non-main package, build ...

Makefile with multiple executables - The UNIX and Linux Forums

I've got a build process where scripts create multiple targets from their sources. ... Makefile problem - How to run module load in a Makefile. Hi, I'm ...

How to get multiple .exe files in a single build? - NI Community

As soon as you build into a standalone executable, it will operate in its own dataspace outside of main.exe. The common dependencies ( ...

Best practice for multiple executables - Rust Users Forum

Build a single executable and use subcommands to invoke the various other programs. This has the advantage of more of the code being shared in ...

Building multiple binaries in one qt project - Qt Forum

You have to create separate projects one for each .exe you need. And than you can combine them into one "subdirs project": ...

How to create multiple executables or libraries from a list of names ...

Looks like pattern rules is the way to go: Xs=a b c default: $(patsubst %,%.exe,$(Xs)) %.exe : %.o %_y.o $(CC) -o $@ $^. Prerequisites of a ...

Multiple executable targets sharing common code. Can they be ...

Default Multiple executable targets sharing common code. Can they be packed into one project? · QT -= gui · TARGET = qspeedtestcli · TEMPLATE = app.

Single project, multiple binaries - Code::Blocks Forums

Certainly. A project can have 1..n "targets" which can be anything: A simple "command" target, a library or an executable..