
Can't bold on new line

Can't bold on new line - Apple Support Communities

When you press a hard return at the end of a line, and then press command-B, nothing will show because there is no text present yet, and you can ...

Bold text not aligned with next line - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

The posted code produces multiple warnings of the form. Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 5--12.

How can I stop word from being Bold and Underline in the next line of

For one example, have made sure the formatting (or at least I thought I did) was correct. Whenever I hit enter for the next line, the next line ...

In MS Word, every time I hit to the next line, bold font ... - Quora

In the Formatting section below, make sure the B (for bold) is not selected. If it is, un-select it and click the OK button. Make sure the New ...

Bolded inline text in HTML emails pushed to new line in Outlook

I've tried using strong and just b to bold the words, because clearly it has something to do with that styling, but neither make any difference.

Can't bold text in text widgets, using #MyHeading as first line causes ...

I had to go back to the old design to see/edit my post correctly. Archived post. New comments cannot be ...

New line added with bold formatting · Issue #457 - GitHub

When a snippet of plain text is selected and bold formatting is applied, a new line is added to the bottom of the plain text. Representation of ...

Ignoring bold (and other formatting) in (numbered) styles

(To bold the number in the heading I would bold the paragraph marker at the end of the line.) ... New List Style (Not Define New MultiLevel List!

Bold text and new line? - Help - UiPath Community Forum

Hey everyone, How to make a string in variable bold in body text when sending email? besides I want to move to new line and write new text, how?

Copying into a new row disregards bold formatting - Ask LibreOffice

Randomly the insert will disregard the bold setting, resulting in the inserted text not being bold, despite the fact that both the source and target formatting ...

Every new paragraph is bold - Google Docs Editors Community

Was the original document imported from somewhere else? I've come across this in Word before but can't remember the details, but I think it was ...

Bold text conversion doesn't work across paragraph break

(If the break exists before clicking for bold, the blank line is removed and both lines are bold. ... With markdown you can't achieve a bold HTML ...

Formatting like bold/italics/etc across multiple paragraphs

**Bold across newlines when there's a a blank line with or ... I can't find any authorative source describing whether or not multiple lines ...

Pages cannot 'BOLD' on new line?! - MacRumors Forums

Anyone else notice this? When typing a document if I double tap return key to start a new line and tap CMD+B to turn on bold, ...

Inserting a newline before bold text breaks boldness #661 - GitHub

If you type a list item with bold text(**BOLDTEXT**) then insert a newline right before that, **BOLDTEXT** becomes broken, by missing one star: ...

[Solved] Help when creating new line in Word.

That suggests the paragraph Style being used for the newly created paragraph is formatted as bold and underline. That could be because you've ...

[SOLVED:] How do I insert a blank line before bold text in a selection ...

What I did was set the Find to ^p with Bold on. Pressing Find Next got me to the end of the first line that was in Bold text. I think it then ...

Bold word leads to bold underline? -

Then I bold one or more words, but not all of those words, it bolds the underline for that line, including the underline under the non-bolded ...

Bold, italics and underlining - Overleaf, Online LaTeX Editor

For example, when using those old commands you can't apply both italics and bold at the same time. ... Paragraphs and new lines · Lists · Paragraph formatting ...

Inserting a tab before every word in bold in a long piece of text

Press CTRL + H to open the "Find and Replace" tool; Click into the "Find what" line, then in the bottom left click on "More" and again in ...