
Can't get GPT to follow a specific length / word count

Can't get a model to follow a specific length / word count

The perfect solution would be to customize the length of the summary in the prompt. For example, asking to summarize this text to 40% of the ...

Can't get GPT to follow a specific length / word count : r/ChatGPTPro

The perfect solution would be to customize the length of the summary in the prompt. For example, asking to summarize this text to 40% of the ...

Can't get a model to follow a specific length / word count - #11 by vb

In the past, I have achieved exact word counts for GPT-generated texts by breaking the task into smaller steps. The first step was to ...

ChatGPT's struggles with word and character counts | by Ben Davies ...

Describing length vs word count. Before we get to counting… there are two ways of specifying length in a prompt. You can either give a more ...

How Do I specify a requirement for a word count?

I'm producing Google Business Posts. I need a word count of between 100-180 words per post. Chat GPT will not follow my directions.

Can't make chatgpt produce a text with limited characters number

I can't manage to make it respect that character limit rule. I put ... Give Examples. Add examples of a specific length. The API is great ...

I discovered how to get AI to hit exact word counts! - Medium

... ChatGPT can't write to word counts? It's not a calculator. It's unable to keep tabs on how many words it's churned out. It doesn't think of ' ...

How to extend ChatGPT 4's word count limits?

I've been trying to use a custom prompt to have ChatGPT 4 add correct punctuation and capitalization to a transcript. However, I keep ...

How to Make ChatGPT Write Longer and Meet Your Word Count

They do have token limits which can affect response length. Although ChatGPT does not have a strict word limit for individual responses ...

ChatGPT doesn't respect word count - Saxifrage Blog

... see in prompts for writing content with ChatGPT is specifying the character count. ... can't actually count character or word length. From ...

How to control the output word length of GPT-4 - YouTube

... word count control. I start with generating a 1000-word blog post and adjust prompts to get the desired output length. I delve into how AI ...

How to Get Longer Answers from ChatGPT (How to ... - YouTube

Step by step instructions of how to increase answer length on chatgpt. You can extend response word count for chat gpt on your windows ...

Does ChatGPT know how to count? - GenAI Stack Exchange

So if you just ask it how many letters there are in a certain word, it's closer to a guess than a count. ... Why does ChatGPT have a consistent ...

Maximize ChatGPT Output: Easy Word Count Fix - YouTube

In this video I'm testing different techniques to make ChatGPT produce longer outputs... ✓ My SEO Copywriting Course [$796 in Bonuses!]

ChatGPT's word limit is 3000, but here's how to get around it

GPT-4 has an input limit of 8,192 tokens, which means the maximum prompt length is roughly 2,000 – 6,000 words. However, in our own testing, we ...

Does ChatGPT have a character limit? Here's how to bypass it

OpenAI has not revealed a specific character or word limit for ... What is the text length limit in ChatGPT? ChatGPT has a text length ...

15+ Rules For Crafting Effective GPT Chat Prompts - Expandi

As an AI language model, the tool doesn't have a specific limit on the maximum number of words it can include in a response. So, in theory, it ...

Work with the GPT-35-Turbo and GPT-4 models - Microsoft Learn

This article walks you through getting started with chat completions models. To get the best results, use the techniques described here.

Character Counter -

Character Counter is a free tool for creating text of a target word or character count. Paste or write content then set a word or character target.

How Well Do GPT Models Follow Prompts? (Series Part 2) - Kolena

Word count restrictions are important in prompts to have ... follow each prompt's specific instructions for explicit word count ranges and minimized PIIs.