
Can't get a model to follow a specific length / word count

Can't get a model to follow a specific length / word count

I have encountered a problem where it's hard to get a good summary because the length of a good summary vastly depends on the length of the original text.

Can't get GPT to follow a specific length / word count : r/ChatGPTPro

The perfect solution would be to customize the length of the summary in the prompt. For example, asking to summarize this text to 40% of the ...

Can't get a model to follow a specific length / word count - #11 by vb

I have achieved exact word counts for GPT-generated texts by breaking the task into smaller steps. The first step was to generate the text.

I discovered how to get AI to hit exact word counts! - Medium

Struggling to get ChatGPT to stick to specific word counts? I ... There are a couple of reasons why AI can't keep track of word counts ...

How Do I specify a requirement for a word count?

I believe the most reliable way to achieve this is by using the GPT-4 Code Interpreter model with a prompt like: Use the python tool to ensure ...

Can't make chatgpt produce a text with limited characters number

I can't manage to make it respect that character limit rule. I put ... Give Examples. Add examples of a specific length. The API is great ...

ChatGPT doesn't respect word count - Saxifrage Blog

ChatGPT can't count words, so stop trying to ask it. This is why prompt testing is important, because without it you wouldn't know what part ...

How to write a paper with word count limit? [closed]

The academic world is just getting weirder. Regarding your question related to word count, it not always fixed word length but an estimated word ...

How to control the output word length of GPT-4 - YouTube

In this episode of our Advanced Prompt Engineering video series, we will focus on controlling the output length in AI models like ChatGPT ...

limit text files to a certain word length, but keep complete sentences

Context: I am working on a text classification task with machine-learning (using weka , for the record). I want to make sure that text length ( ...

Show word count - Microsoft Support

Word counts the number of words in a document while you type. Word also counts pages, paragraphs, lines, and characters.

a guide on the length of documents that you provide to Copilot

For example, you can ask Copilot in Word: Write a marketing plan outline based on the product features described in this document. But to get the best output ...

Pandas: Detect single words that have certain length - Stack Overflow

One way using pandas.Series.extract : mask = df["name"].str.findall("(\S{16,})").astype(bool) print(df[mask]). Output:

Word limit issue - Form Building - KoboToolbox Community Forum

... certain character inputs viz. numbers, alphabets, wild cards etc. which the string-length would not be able to do (e.g.… mushegianed July 12 ...

Re: Set min/max character count per line - Adobe Community

I believe we need mostly the word spacing to do the work. Hi @Typothalamus, You can use the Justification settings to force more word space ...

Show word count and other statistics in Pages on Mac - Apple Support

You can show the word count, character count (with or without spaces), number of paragraphs, and number of pages in a document.

Readability: The Optimal Line Length – Articles - Baymard Institute

... make our speaker different from others, and this is what makes it special. ... However, it's important to keep in mind that line length is ...

WordCounter - Count Words & Correct Writing

WordCounter will help to make sure its word count reaches a specific requirement or stays within a certain limit. In addition, WordCounter shows you the top ...

How to Make ChatGPT Write Longer and Meet Your Word Count

Mention a Specific Word Count. Another way how to make ChatGPT write longer is to specify a word count. For example, instead of asking for “an ...

Precision Word Count: Revolutionising AI Writing Accuracy — 5D AI

Why can't LLMs create content to a specific word count? ... keep track of its generated words and adapt in real time. ... specified length. Similarly AI Plagiarism ...