
Can't get type declarations to work in ES Module project

Can't get type declarations to work in ES Module project #92 - GitHub

Try `npm i --save-dev @types/pocketbase` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'pocketbase';`

Type declaration file doesn't work with commonjs module syntax

That's why you can still have normal exports besides it. Many people consider module.exports = ... to be equivalent to export default ... and ...

Node.js, TypeScript and ESM: it doesn't have to be painful

The first step is to make the project an ES Module. To do that you only need to include "type": "module" in your package.json . An annoying ...

ts-node doesn't run ESM modules as expected, either refusing ...

However , it either fails with SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module or after adding a "type ... I was finally able to get ...

Typescript and JS/ES modules: a rant - Reddit

Again, no native support for this in Vue, Webpack, Babel, or Jest/ts-jest. For Babel, there is a plugin, but I can't get it to work. There's ...

Using type="module" is the box of pandorra !!! : r/typescript - Reddit

This confusing interoparability hell like: The default type of your package is commonjs but you still can use ESM style import statements ...

How to fix error TS7016: Could not find a declaration file for module ...

Try `npm install @types/XYZ` if it exists or add a new declaration (.d.ts) file containing `declare module 'XYZ';

Documentation - Modules .d.ts - TypeScript

When the ES Module-like syntax doesn't provide enough tools to describe the exports then you can use namespaces . For example, you may have complex enough types ...

How to tackle compatibility issues in ECMA Script modules (and in ...

Now, if you're using such a package, you need to load the proper JS code, find TypeScript type maps and import it into your application code.

Documentation - Modules - Reference - TypeScript

js that support ES modules, not just projects that use ES modules. Both ESM ... find a declaration file. When publishing a typed package to npm, it's ...

Supporting CommonJS and ESM with Typescript and Node

So the strange thing with all this is that your code will have statements like: ... use 'import.meta' outside a module. Sadness! I don't have a ...

Require is not defined in ES module scope. - Team Treehouse

I understand you're encountering issues with require in your Node.js project related to ES modules. This can happen due to several reasons, and I'd be happy to ...

Start Using ES Modules Now - YouTube

The time to convert CommonJS projects to ESM is upon us. This will allow you to use import and export statements, top-level await, ...

Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]: require() of ES Module - Support

The client api only exports esm not common js. The proposed solution is to use “module: 'nodenext'”, but doing that breaks a bunch of other ...

Node Modules at War: Why CommonJS and ES Modules Can't Get ...

You can't require() ESM scripts; you can only import ESM scripts, like this: import {foo} from 'foo' · CJS scripts can't use static import statements like the ...

JavaScript modules - MDN Web Docs - Mozilla

To get modules to work correctly in a browser, you need to make sure that your server is serving them with a Content-Type header that contains a ...

Switching to ES Modules - Serenity

If you get an error, it means something is wrong, e.g. you forgot to run npm install in previous step or did not add "type": "module" in package ...

ECMAScript modules | Node.js v23.2.0 Documentation

import statements are permitted only in ES modules, but dynamic import ... The with { type: 'json' } syntax is mandatory; see Import Attributes. The ...

Modules & CJS interop - Learn TypeScript w/ Mike North

Things can sometimes get a bit tricky when consuming CommonJS modules that do things that are incompatible with the way ES Modules typically work. Most of the ...

Module resolution – Runtime | Bun Docs

The ecosystem is currently in the midst of a years-long transition from CommonJS modules to native ES modules. TypeScript enforces its own set of rules around ...