
Can People be Demon Possessed Today

Don Stewart :: Can a Person Be Demon-Possessed Today?

Though demons did enter and control people during biblical times, is it possible that it still happens today? The answer is yes. Demon possession and control ...


If demon possession continued today, Satan would have more power than God, for he could send his demons into people, but God's people could not cast them out.

Is demonic possession something that occurs today? : r/Reformed

Agree with you both and your comments about the Devil not casting out demons. It is most likely a show as far as the casting out goes. The demon ...

Can people become possessed by demons in the modern day, and ...

YES, they can be possessed. But, by “demons,” doubtful. Demonic spirits or demons are the Luciferians, they who followed B__-Lucifer during the ...

Demon Possession Today | Moody Church Media | Articles

I think of the authority of Jesus Christ as He faced that demon-possessed man and spoke with such absolute finality to all the demons as He said “Go.” Then I ...

Are people possessed by demons today? What is the modern ...

Are people possessed by demons today? What is the modern Christian perspective? [closed] · Related: Can Christians be demon possessed? – Caleb.

Can People be Demon Possessed Today (With Greg Laurie)

We often hear about demon possession, nefarious spirits taking control of humans is a staple of Hollywood, but did you know this is ...

Are Demons Active Today? - Answers in Genesis

Yet demonic possession is seldom noted. Evidently, demons rarely show themselves in the same way in the “enlightened” Western world. But it may also be that the ...

Does Demon Possession Happen in the West? - The Gospel Coalition

When one's spiritual blindness leads to doubting the reality or power of demonic forces in general, demon possession wouldn't likely be the ...

A Pastor's Reflections: Demon Possession and Mental Illness

If a person is a genuine believer inhabited by the Spirit of God, they might dabble with the demonic, but demon possession is not possible. Paul rebuked the ...

What does the Bible say about demon possession? - Got Questions

What does the Bible say about demon possession / demonic possession? Do the demons still possess people today?

Is Demon-Possession Still Happening Today?

If demon-possession still happens today, where is at least one person who can do such things? Some drug-crazed people have bursts of amazing ...

Can People be Demon Possessed Today? (With Greg Laurie)

We often hear about demon possession, nefarious spirits taking control of humans is a staple of Hollywood, but did you know this is ...

Demon possession does it happen today? - The Puritan Board

My question is should I ever attribute people's wicked behavior to demon possession. If yes should we expected God to use us to cast out demons ...

A Differential Diagnosis of Demonic Possession - Psychology Today

The idea that humans can be “possessed” by the devil, demons, or ... could still result in outbreaks of alleged demonic possession today.

Can a Christian be demon possessed? - Got Questions

Changing the terminology does not change the fact that a demon cannot inhabit or take full control of a Christian. Demonic influence and ...

Do Demons Possess People Today? - New Boston Church of Christ

This question isn't entirely accurate. We have instances in the Bible where demons possessed people “in the Christian age.” Paul cast a demon ...

Demon Possession - Rena Road church of Christ

The fact that the ability to cast out demons is not specifically listed as one of the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit is conclusive evidence that demons are ...

Demon Possession - The Gospel Coalition

His conclusion is that the term “demon possession” implies ownership, and Christians cannot be owned by demons since they have been purchased by the blood of ...

FAQ 18: “Can a Christian be demon possessed?”

It is no surprise, therefore, that our instruction is not to worry about being demon-possessed, nor are we to cast out demons. Thomas Ice states it nicely, “ ...