
Can any user create a new category

Can any user create a new category - Support - Discourse Meta

Creating categories is an admin task. Users cannot create categories. 3 Likes. Avinash_Kumar (Avinash Kumar) ...

Allow users to create their own categories and add items to it

Is that a valid concern? Will it cause performance issues if the number of rows gets into the millions? Any suggestions appreciated. database ...

How to allow users to create their own category without ending up ...

If user finds appropriate category or categories, assign category to profile just by selecting it (them). If there is no appropriate category, ...

need to grant user access to add new category and - ServiceNow

Finally, the choices for Category and Subcategory live in the Choice[sys_choice] table, along with all other choices. As such you would have to ...

Add Users to a User Category - Oracle Help Center

At a later point, you can edit the user account and update the user category. You can assign a user to only one category. Note: If you're creating new users ...

Is it possible to create a new family category? - Autodesk Community

As far as I know, no... But you can create sub-categories in selected categories. i suggest finding the closest fit and create a sub ...

Create and assign color categories in Outlook - Microsoft Support

Name your category, select a color, then select Save. Panel to create a new color category. Your new category will be listed in Categorize. In classic ...

each user having category with their name and can add sub ...

User Registration: Once the user is created automatically a new Category should be created with its Reg. · User Blog: · user Page · FYI: · If there ...

Create Categories and Terms - Salesforce Help

Categories let you create groups of terms that you can use to classify the items in your site's content lists.Required Editions and User Permissions Avail.

Outlook category allocation - Microsoft Community

By default, users have the ability to create and assign categories to their own items, such as emails, appointments, or tasks. If you've been ...

How to add categories to WordPress users - YouTube

In a recent project we needed a way of categorising users in WordPress. In this video, Mark shows you how to create a custom taxonomy and ...

Adding Users to a User Category

Whenever a new user is created, they're automatically assigned to the default category. You can edit the user account and update the user ...

Adding users directly to categories - Feature - Discourse Meta

Somehow it seems weird you can only add groups under security but a user which after all just is another object as well cannot be added. Didn't ...

How can I create a new category where I can manually isolate ...

We can't all be crazy...I'm looking at 32 "folders" or "labels" or whatever the heck you and Google want to call them to the left of my in ...

Moodle in English: Create new category on user profile

Hi,. Unfortunately I can't give you any coding advice, however just checking that you know you can create a new user profile category for ...

Allow WordPress User Roles to Edit Posts in Single Category

Step #1. Create the Roles # · Step #2. Add the Users to Roles # · Step #3. Create the Categories # · Step #4. Test the user accounts # · How can we help? · Recent ...

Create a category user - Product Documentation - ServiceNow

Create category users by associating users in the system to metric categories.

Make Categories the same for all Members - Mattermost Forum

There's a feature which never really worked for me and is called “Default channels” which can be used to add all new users to a list of channels ...

Granting Group Edit Access to a Category - Metric Insights

The Privilege to create a new Category is granted to every ... Regular Users can't create Categories and can inherit from the Group ...

Need to create a new category "Pinned" - Gmail Community

What you CAN do is create filters to apply labels to these senders, and then go to Settings->Inbox and use Priority Inbox to create a section ...