
Can posting about your patients on social media be illegal?

HIPAA And Social Media Rules - Updated 2024

Even if you do not name the patient when you post Protected Health Information on social media, the patient can still be identified from other information ...

Is posting on social media a HIPAA violation? - Paubox

Posting on social media itself is not a HIPAA violation. However, if your posts include protected health information (PHI) such as patient names, photos, ...

When Is Posting about Patients on Social Media Unethical ...

Patient confidentiality must be protected at all times, as HIPAA's security rule protecting identifiable health information that a provider creates, receives, ...

Is it ever safe to post about a patient on social media even ... - Reddit

You would be ok from a hippaa perspective, but your hospital may have additional safeguards about patient privacy that you could be in violation ...

Social Media Do's and Don'ts for Nurses | ANA

Even if you don't outright name a patient or post their photo, the stories you share on social media can be an infringement on HIPAA without you even realizing ...

Can posting about your patients on social media be illegal?

Whenever a professional shares personal information, text, photos, or videos of a patient online to the public, they are violating this privacy rule.

Why Posting Patient Photographs on Social Media Accounts May ...

Covered entities and business associates can use social media to promote their practices and products – provided the HIPAA and FTC requirements ...

Social Media HIPAA Violations: 4 Common Examples

Posting information about patients to unauthorized users (even if their name is left out). · Sharing photos of patients, medical documents, or ...

HIPAA Social Media Rules: A Guide | 360training

HIPAA's Privacy Rule protects the confidentiality of all information about patients, their care, and information that can expose their identity, ...

HI Professionals Must Post with Caution on Social Media to Protect ...

Everyone should use caution when having any online social contact with patients, former patients, and their family members.

Is it illegal for doctors and nurses to look a patient up on Facebook?

No. Social media posts are by definition public and available to anyone who can access them. There is no law that prohibits healthcare workers ...

Ethical and Legal Issues Involving Medical Social Media - PMC

For example, it can be helpful to delay posting about an episode of care until there has been sufficient time to not identify the patient. If one regularly ...

HIPAA and Social Media: 5 Tips to Stay Compliant - Hootsuite Blog

If a patient revokes their authorization, you can remove the social media post from your own channels. But what if someone else has captured ...

Social Media Dos And Don'ts For Nurses

Indiscriminately post from your workplace. Even if you're posting a fun photo of you and coworkers, there could be a patient, family member, or a visible chart ...

5 Ways Your PT Clinic Is Violating HIPAA on Social Media - WebPT

However, if a patient (or a patient's caretaker, friend, or family member) posts personal treatment questions on your Facebook, you cannot ...

Anything You Post - NACHC

from a patient on social media, direct him or her to more appro- priate channels like messaging in a secure patient portal or calling the health center. Given ...

Anti-Social Media – How a Post Becomes a HIPAA Violation

Unless a patient has given express written permission to share their PHI, healthcare employees cannot release any of the following details: Name ...

Lessons Learned: Avoiding Risks When Using Social Media - PMC

Consequently, in addition to details of a patient's past, present or future treatment, all names, photos, and other tidbits about a patient (including things ...

A healthcare team's guide to HIPAA compliance on social media

Even if you take every precaution to limit the use of PHI in your content, patients can still put your compliance at risk by sharing personal ...

Use of Social Media - NCSBN

Effective nurse/patient relationships are built on trust. Patients need to be confident that their most personal information and their basic dignity will be ...