
Can you conditionally hide/show sections of content from a formula?

Can you conditionally hide/show sections of content from a formula?

But if you want to flexibly combine, include, exclude and recombine sections of text, the following will work. Create a table, in the example ...

Hide Rows Using Conditional Formatting - Microsoft Community

As an alternative, you could "hide" the contents of rows by setting the number format to ;;; (three consecutive semicolons) in conditional ...

Conditional display/hiding of segments within a section

It would be amazing if it was possible to tag a whole segment of a section (eg encompassing a number of paragraphs, images, tables and other content etc)

Conditionally Hide Show Fields On A SharePoint List Form - YouTube

This SharePoint Online tutorial will demonstrate how to show hide columns in SharePoint list form. Specifically, it will demonstrate how to ...

If/then formula to show/hide properties? - Notion - Reddit

If/then formula to show/hide properties? ... Hello! Doing a ton of searching and can't seem to find if this is even possible. In a database, I ...

Show or hide columns in a list or library form - Microsoft Learn

You can show or hide columns in a list form based on another column's value by specifying a formula that are equations performing conditional ...

How to hide part of cell content? - excel - Stack Overflow

... formula could toggle between showing and not showing the hidden text: ="I have "&IF(A1,"a hidden text ","")& "to think about." If you never ...

How to hide the contents in a cell if it meets a certain condition

There is only ONE way to have values in a cell, but have them invisible, and that is Conditional Formatting, either using formulas or Apps Script.

Is it possible to hide certain cells (not rows or columns) based on a ...

You can use Conditional Formatting to make the cells appear ... will show nothing in the cell but the formula bar will show the value.

Hide Rows in Excel Based on Cell Value (Without VBA)

In that case, you'll want to use conditional formatting to hide certain data. Here's how to use it to hide the contents of some rows.

Excel Magic Trick #170: Conditional Format To Hide Items - YouTube

... :// See how to use conditional format to hide or show items in a list using a TRUE FALSE formula.

How to Hide Rows Based on Cell Values In Excel - YouTube

However, when working with a lot of data, it can be overwhelming to display everything on one sheet. ... hide or unhide rows based on the selected ...

Word>how to make sections hidden/appear based on selection in ...

That can be done via: ... the use of IF fields to conditionally show/hide the text; ... the use of 'hiiden' font formatting; ... using VBA to ...

Trouble hiding / revealing sections with conditional formatting

Shouldn't the condition be (Field A is blank) or (Field B is blank) or (Field C is blank) - Hide this control. Jimmy Rishe / Software Developer ...

Solved: Show / hide field based on condition - Airtable Community

Conditional hiding & showing of fields is only possible on a form, and then when the user submits that form, a new record will be created in your table.

How to Hide a Cell's Contents in Excel? [Quick Tip] -

Remember: This formatting code only blanks out the cell contents from being seen. They contents are still there and accessible for formulas, ...

How do we hide contents in an Excel sheet using a formula? - Quora

If you want to hide the values in the cells some of the time, you can do so using Conditional Formatting. Select the cell(s) in question, then ...

Conditionally Hide Show Fields On A SharePoint List Form

Need to know the formula. It is a choice column. This is the example currently saved on the Microsoft community. =if([$Category] == 'Product ...

conditional hide text problem - English - Ask LibreOffice

I reopened the question so that you can post an answer. I am very intrigued by a section solution. In Writer, sections are parts of a page with ...

How To Hide Values In Conditional Formatting Smartsheet

This feature is perfect for visually highlighting important data and making it easier to interpret. With conditional formatting, you have the ability to hide ...