
Carb Size vs. Gas Mileage

The Internet Lies “A Bigger Carb Uses More Gas” - Hot Rod Magazine

In fact, given the same engine, a carb rated at a higher cfm number often needs larger fuel jets than does a smaller carb to deliver the same ...

Carb Size vs. Gas Mileage - Ford Truck Enthusiasts Forums

Depending on how much bigger it might actually draw less gas. Big carbs run sloppy down low because there's not a big enough vacuum signal to ...

Which gets better mileage....2 or 4 barrel carbs, and why?

A 4 barrel carb will yield you more power and with more power theres more gas. a 2 barrel carb will yield you less air less air means less power and less fuel.

Carburetors and Gas Mileage: 5 Things you need to know!!! - YouTube

While I have done Carb Tuning and Vacuum Advance videos focused on best drivability and fuel mileage I have never done a video describing ...

Does a bigger carburetor mean more power or just more fuel ...

If under-size bigger carb will give more power. If oversize mixture is off and fuel wasted.

Carb sizing and fuel efficiency - Chevrolet Corvette Forum Discussion

One of the best carbs for fuel mileage is a q-jet, it has very small primarys so as long as you can keep your foot out of the secondarys you ...

Decreasing carb size to increase gas mileage? - The 1947

A Quadrajet is essentially a variable-size carb. It responds and mixes well at all throttle positions. If you want better mileage, teach your ...

Claimed mpg increase off lawn mower carb in passenger vehicle

So if you could get a V8 to run off a small carburetor you'd have to run it at full throttle or near full throttle all the time anyway, so it ...

Carburetor MPG Myths And Intake System Thermodynamics

Before liquid gasoline can be turned into a vapor state inside an engine, it must pass through several phases and states, all temperature ...

Carburetor Myths CFM & ⛽ Mileage ?? - YouTube

Comments118 · Carburetors and Gas Mileage: 5 Things you need to know!!! · Fuel Mileage Tips and tricks · Classic Car MPG And The Forgotten Tool.

The 760 Million Mile Per Gallon (MMMPG) Carburetor - Atomic Insights

... mpg. He than demomstraighted this by, putting a 2 gallon tank in his car, filling it with 2 gallons of gas, and than drove it 205 miles. This demonstraingt ...

Main jets and fuel economy relationship..?? - Hot Rod Forum

jet size should only matter at wot where all the carb circuits are flowing at max capacity, at part throttle while cruising I believe most ...

Best carb for gas mileage | Chevy Nova Forum

Any carburetor properly tuned will net you the best fuel mileage. You can have a 600cfm that's set up all wrong and get worse mileage than a 750cfm that is.

Improving Mileage, Performance, And Drivability On Carbureted Cars

The byproduct of this newfound efficiency is an increase in gas mileage, drivability, and most likely a reduction in emissions as well.

Smallest Carb | 460 Ford Forum

carb size has little to do with mileage. proper tuning and ... It get's good economy at about 18.5mpg average on the highway and I ...

4 barrel or 2 barrel carb which gets better mpg - NC4x4

I normally notice a 2-4 mpg increase (although that's usually with an intake swap as well). As for the careful what kind of spacer ...

What carburetor for improved gas mileage? - Team Chevelle

There is no way a carb can offer much. To do that would mean making the air/fuel ratio ultra lean and that will screw with driveability and ...

Article on Multiple Carburetors for better gas mileage

A carburetor for each cylinder can allow adjustment of the air fuel ratio to match the quirks of that cylinder and its intake runner. This is ...

914 carb size vs performance vs mpg - the Pelican Parts Forum!

None of the carb setups are going to give you as good mileage as the original fuel injection. Assuming you still have the original cam, I'd ...

Which Carb Gives a Balance of Power & MPG?

You can change the jet AND metering rod sizes so that under WOT the A/F will be ideal for max power (~12.5:1) and under part-throttle ...