
Chile's Experience with Inflation Targeting

Chile's Experience with Inflation Targeting in - IMF eLibrary

Some argue that Chile was an early adopter of inflation targets, because in September 1990 the central bank explicitly announced an objective for year-on-year ...

Chile's Experience with Inflation Targeting - IMF eLibrary

For almost a decade (until September 1998) in its annual hearing in the Senate, the Central Bank of Chile announced an inflation target for the following year.

Chapter 3 Inflation targeting in Chile: Experience and selected issues

the Central Bank of Chile. A preliminary version of this text was published as. “Inflation targeting in Chile: Experience and selected issues”, Economic Policy.

Flexible Exchange Rate with Inflation Targeting in Chile - Publications

The first five years of the flexible exchange rate and inflation targeting regime in Chile have shown positive results. Inflation is under control, ...

The Chilean experience with inflation targeting

Empirical studies have concentrated on testing the effectiveness of inflation targeting in industrialized economies, perhaps because of their longer ...

Monetary policy in Chile: combining theory, evidence and experience

To attain this objective, since 1999 the CBC has adopted an inflation targeting regime with exchange rate flexibility. The inflation target is the operational ...


Chile's stabilization experience is quite unique among countries that have adopted inflation targets for three reasons. First the Chilean economy appears to be ...

(PDF) Inflation targeting in Chile - ResearchGate

Chile was the second country in the world to adopt inflation targeting (IT), setting its first annual target in September 1990.

The Chilean Inflation Targeting Experience

The Chilean Inflation Targeting. Experience. Vittorio Corbo. Centro de Estudios Públicos. Former Governor Central Bank of Chile. Prepared for ...

Flexible Exchange Rate with Inflation Targeting in Chile - Publications

Flexible exchange rate with inflation targeting in Chile : experience and issues / by José. De Gregorio, Andrea Tokman, Rodrigo Valdés. p. cm. (Research ...

Inflation Targeting in Chile: Experience and Selected Issues

Central Bank of Chile. November, 2007. Abstract. This paper revisits the Chilean experience with Inflation Targeting in the last 16 years with ...

Inflation Targets and Stabilization in Chile - IDEAS/RePEc

Chile was among the first countries to adopt an inflation target. Its long inflation history had led to widespread backward-looking indexation in goods, ...

A Decade of Inflation Targeting in Chile - CiteSeerX

only 2.3% in 1999, a figure not seen since the deflationary experiences of the 30s. Economic growth, despite the mild recession experienced in 1999 in the ...

Some lessons from Inflation Targeting in Chile1/ Sebastián Claro ...

The experience of Chile is that of a small open economy far from the financial crisis but very much engaged in the swings of global commodity ...

reaching one-digit inflation: the chilean experience - UCEMA

3 For a review of the international experience with inflation targeting, see Leiderman and Svensson (1995). 127. Page 6. JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECONOMICS band ...

Monetary policy under inflation targeting in Chile and around the world

Discussions were very fruitful, because they allowed for a constructive exchange of experiences and challenges among the attending central bankers, IMF ...

Inflation targeting in Chile -

Chile was the second country in the world to adopt inflation targeting (IT), setting its first annual target in September 1990.

Inflation Targeting in Chile - Search eLibrary :: SSRN

Chile was the second country in the world to adopt inflation targeting (IT), setting its first annual target in September 1990.

A Decade of Inflation Targeting in Chile: Developments, Lessons ...

Chile was among the first countries in the world to adopt a monetary framework based on an explicit, publicly announced, annual inflation target, ...

Can balance-of-payments constrained economies pursue inflation ...

This paper examines, for the case of Chile, the limitations imposed by external conditions to the undertaking of a monetary policy strategy, inflation targeting ...