
Climate Change Curricula for K|5 in the U.S.

Climate Change Curricula for K-5 in the U.S. | The Emerald Review

Climate change, its origins, and its consequences have started to be integrated within all levels of public education, from kindergarten to high ...


SubjectToClimate is a nonprofit online connector for K-12 educators of all subjects to find credible and engaging materials on climate change at no cost.

Global Climate Change Curriculum for 5-7 year olds - Cornell CALS

... 5-7 yer olds across the US about climate change. The data are based on interviews and are in hand (no new data collection). As ideas emerge, the intern will ...

Curriculum | Climate Change Education - Stanford University

This curriculum integrates concepts from the earth, life, and physical sciences as well as the most current data on climate systems to help students understand ...

Introducing Climate Change Studies into Elementary School Curricula

According to other sources, however, fewer than half of K-12 teachers mentioned talking about climate change with their children or students.

Climate Change | Project-based Learning Curriculum | K-12

“Students told us they learned a lot about climate change and how it directly affects them. They felt inspired to make changes to their routines and ...

Elementary School Curriculum - Climate Change Education .Org

on Climate Change, Global Warming & Solutions. Grades 1 2 3 4 5 6, K-12 Educator Resources > Interdisciplinary > Curriculum > Elementary School. Curriculum:

Climate Change Curriculum Resources - Sustainable Jersey Schools

In June 2020, New Jersey became the first state in the nation to incorporate K-12 climate change education across content areas when the State Board of ...

Climate Education in the U.S.: Where It Stands, and Why It Matters

In 2022, Connecticut passed a law requiring public schools to incorporate lessons on human caused climate change into their science curriculum ...

Climate Change Curricula - Southern Wisconsin Bird Alliance

This Climate Change Curriculum was created under a 2014-2016 Grant from National Audubon Society and a 2015-2016 grant from the Wisconsin Environmental ...

Healthy Habitats: Climate Change Action for K-2

In this resource, students will explore their local schoolyard habitat; reflect on how climate change may be impacting their habitat; and work together to plan ...

Cool the Earth, A Ready-to-Run Free Nationwide K-8 Program

Now in nearly 300 schools nationwide, Cool the Earth is a free program that teaches kids in grades K-5 about climate change, and motivates them to take simple ...

For Educators | NASA Global Climate Change

Climate Change Lessons: JPL Education ... This collection of climate change lessons and activities for grades K-12 is aligned with Next Generation ...

Coming next year: K–12 lessons on climate change ... - Ten Strands

Climate change and environmental justice are big topics. Our goal was to start laying the foundation with one instructional unit per grade.

Climate Change Curriculum | Chicago Botanic Garden

The project targets grades 5 to 12. "The reason we developed this curriculum is because there were few or no regionally relevant climate-change curricula out ...

Climate Change Resources for Educators and Students | US EPA

This site provides learning activities, curriculum materials, and multimedia resources for teaching about climate and energy. NOAA: Data in the ...

Lesson Plans: ClimateChangeLIVE

This web site houses a reviewed collection of K-20 educational resources meant to help students' understand the core ideas in climate and energy science.

climate curriculum

K-12 Science Lessons on Climate Change. Curriculum refined by educators for educators. Open access lesson plan database.

Writing climate change into the K-12 curriculum

In response to the threat of a climate catastrophe, there is a renewed push to include climate awareness in the K-12 school curriculum.

Teaching Climate Change in Every Subject | Edutopia

In June 2020, New Jersey became the first state to pass educational standards requiring climate change to be taught across the K–12 curriculum ...