
Climate effects of the forest|based sector in the European Union

Climate effects of the forest-based sector in the European Union - Cepi

The overall climate effect is calculated as a sum of. • net sink (increased carbon storage) in forests (-406 Mt CO2e/yr) resp. forest products.

Climate effects of the forest-based sector in the European Union - Cepi

The overall and positive climate effect is estimated at -806 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalents annually. This corresponds to c. 20% of all fossil ...

The role of forests in the EU climate policy: are we on the right track?

6b), the CBM projections correspond to a decrease of the forest sink (excluding HWP and any additional afforestation) from − 290 Mt CO2 in 2015 ...

Forests and forestry - European Environment Agency

EU forests currently absorb around 10% of the total EU emissions. At the same time, forests have an innate ability to regenerate and adapt to ...

Study on climate effect of the forest-based sector in the European ...

Peter Holmgren, the study author, presented the key findings of the study: “The results show that forests and forest-based products remove a net of 806 million ...

Forest-based climate change mitigation and adaptation in Europe

Forests and wood products are part of the Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry (LULUCF) sector, which in the EU removes approximately 10% of the European ...

Climate Change and the Forest Sector in the UNECE Region

The forest sector can play a major role in climate change mitigation strategies. Forests can sequester carbon by taking in carbon dioxide (CO2).

The contribution of the EU Forest-based industries to the 2050 ...

Forest products have a very low climate footprint and moreover they reduce demand for products and energy that are based on fossil fuels. This ...

How has the forest-based carbon sink and stock evolved in the EU?

The capacity of forests to sequester and store carbon is an important contributor to the EU's climate change mitigation endeavour, characterized ...

Climate targets in European timber-producing countries conflict with ...

However, focusing on EU climate targets conflicts with several national policies and causes adverse effects on multiple ecosystem services and ...

How are European forest ecosystems doing?

This includes the impact of climate change on forests, such as changes in precipitation patterns, and the increasing frequency and severity of ...


20 % of all fossil emissions in the European Union. The overall climate effect is calculated as a sum of net sink (increased carbon storage) in ...

What role for forests and the forest-based sector in the EU Green ...

Together with the product substitution effect, the overall positive climate effect is estimated at 20% of all fossil emissions in the European ...

A new role for forests and the forest sector in the EU post-2020 ...

The evaluation of forest-based climate change mitigation effects therefore requires careful consid- eration of scale and system boundaries. When emis- sions ...

The EU climate package “Fit for 55” - a double-edged sword for ...

Sustainable bioenergy currently accounts for 12% of the total EU energy mix, and this share is to be increased (European Commission, 2021a). In 2017, biomass ...

Forestry services based on C3S data | Copernicus

In Europe, forest and woodland covers about 182 million hectares, representing more than 40% of the total land area. European Union (EU) forests absorb 417 ...

The European forest carbon budget under future climate conditions ...

To become carbon neutral by 2050, on top of a drastic decarbonization of the energy, transport and industrial sectors, the European Union (EU27) ...

European forest sinks and climate targets: past trends, main drivers ...

Forests and harvested wood products (HWPs) together have removed up to 11.3% of the EU's annual total GHG emissions (EU + UK + Switzerland + ...

Positive climate effect of the forest-based sector in the European Union

Cepi webinar: Positive climate effect of the forest-based sector in the European Union. 19 June 2020.

Boosting the EU forest-based bioeconomy: Market, climate, and ...

The positive EU climate-change mitigation effects of increased carbon storage in harvested wood products (HWP) and material substitution from increased wood ...