
Collaborative filtering with cross entropy loss

SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for Collaborative Filtering

The recently proposed Sampled Softmax Cross-Entropy (SSM) compares one positive sample with multiple negative samples, leading to better performance.

Collaborative filtering with cross entropy loss - Forums

So i'm trying to solve collaborative filtration problem with categorization approach, as been asked in 'Further research' section of Lesson ...

SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for Collaborative Filtering

First, we validate that the existing SSM with multiple negative samples generally outperforms the BPR loss, which uses only one negative sample.

MovieLens with CrossEntropyLoss - Part 1 (2020) - Forums

In lesson 8 (collaborative filtering) further research we were asked this question: Create a model for MovieLens which works with ...

SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for Collaborative Filtering

The paper "SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for Collaborative Filtering" introduces a novel loss function, SimCE, designed to enhance recommendation ...

Why is the binary cross entropy loss during training of tf model ...

I am building a neural collaborative filtering recommendation model using tensorflow, using binary cross entropy as the loss function.

Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) - GitHub

... recommendation — collaborative filtering — on the basis of implicit feedback. 0 Global Settings and Imports¶. In [1]:. import os ... cross-entropy loss:.

SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for Collaborative Filtering

The key idea behind SimCE is to focus on the similarity between the user's preferences and the recommended items, rather than the full ...

𝚐m𝟾𝚡𝚡𝟾 on X: "SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for ...

SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for Collaborative Filtering paper:

Neural Collaborative Filtering - Towards Data Science

which is nothing but the cross-entropy loss/log loss. By employing a probabilistic treatment, NCF transforms the recommendation problem to a ...

(PDF) Probabilistic collaborative filtering with negative cross entropy

Probabilistic collaborative filtering with negative cross entropy ... loss function [9,33]. Bellogin et al. [1] improved the recommendations based ...

Sumit -

SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for Collaborative Filtering Visa proposes a simplified loss function for collaborative filtering that ...

Collaborative Filtering using Deep Neural Networks (in Tensorflow)

We again use binary cross-entropy loss with Adam. Combining the two networks (NeuMF). Now for the final setup, we combine the GMF and MLP ...

Reduced Cross-Entropy Loss for Large-Catalogue Sequential ...

Simplify and robustify negative sampling for implicit collaborative filtering. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 33 ...

Neural Collaborative Filtering for Deep Learning Based ... -

... collaborative filtering algorithms for recommendation systems. ... loss or also known as binary cross-entropy. This is the most used ...

Neural Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithm Based on ...

... loss function Binary Cross Entropy (BCE). In order to solve this problem, a new loss function, BCE-Max, was proposed in this paper. Based on the above ...

[PDF] Toward a Better Understanding of Loss Functions for ...

SimCE: Simplifying Cross-Entropy Loss for Collaborative Filtering · Xiaodong YangHuiyuan Chen +5 authors. Hanghang Tong. Computer Science. ArXiv. 2024. TLDR. A ...

Training a Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) Recommender on ...

The training is carried out for 100 epochs, optimized through binary cross entropy loss function and an SGD optimizer. data = NCFDataset ...

Neural-Collaborative-Filtering - pytorch version of NCF - GitHub

Using a network structure that takes advantage of both dot-product (GMF) and MLP; Use binary cross-entropy rather than MSE as loss function; Use point-wise loss ...

CSE 291:

We explored neural architectures for collaborative filtering. • Devised a ... Minimize cross entropy loss. ○ Test: Nearest Neighbor. ○ Fully connected ...