
Comparative Literature

Comparative literature - Wikipedia

Comparative literature "performs a role similar to that of the study of international relations but works with languages and artistic traditions, so as to ...

What is Comparative Literature? - UB College of Arts and Sciences

"To me Comparative Literature is a chance pursue interdisciplinary work and a way to challenge canonized approaches to theory and literature. It calls for ...

What is Comparative Literature?

They're both similar and diverse. This means that Comp Lit involves the comparison of literature with storytelling in history, philosophy, politics, science, ...

Comparative Literature | Brown University

At Brown, the Department of Comparative Literature is distinct in its conviction that literary research and instruction must be international in character, and ...

Why Study Comparative Literature? - Boston University

A concentration in Comparative Literature is an excellent foundation for further work at the graduate level. It also prepares students to work in any field ...

Department of Comparative Literature | A&S Departments

Department of Comparative Literature. The Department of Comparative Literature provides a broad range of courses in European as well as non-European literatures ...

Department of Comparative Literature: Welcome

Yale's Comparative Literature department has been one of the preeminent sites, worldwide, for the comparative practice of literary history and analysis.

Comparative Literature | Duke University Press

The oldest journal in its field in the United States, Comparative Literature explores issues in literary history and theory. The ACLA-affiliated publication ...

CompLit – Harvard University Department of Comparative Literature

You will have earned familiarity with a number of key analytical and historical categories that will prepare you for advanced coursework in the humanities and ...

Comparative Literature

The Department of Comparative Literature brings into sharper focus literatures and cultures from around the world by holding them under a comparative light. It ...

American Comparative Literature Association

The American Comparative Literature Association, founded in 1960, is the principal learned society in the United States for scholars whose work involves several ...

Comparative Literature: Home

Welcome to the Department ofComparative Literature. Designed for students who want to study literature with an interdisciplinary and global perspective, the ...

Comparative Literature | Comparative Literature

In this spirit, the Department of Comparative Literature at the University of Chicago promotes the multidisciplinary, historically self-reflective and cross- ...

Comparative Literature | Humanities - University of Oregon

Our Degree Programs. The comparative literature major is an individualized program of study with a high degree of flexibility and a supportive community of ...

Comparative Literature at UC Davis | Comparative Literature

Welcome to Comparative Literature at UC Davis! Comparative literature is a global and interdisciplinary study of literature both in original languages and in ...

Comparative Literature - Princeton Graduate School

The program of study enables students with exceptional training in languages and literatures to profit from the increased awareness and understanding that may ...

Comparative Literature | Binghamton University

Comparative Literature ... It is also known both nationally and internationally for its leadership in the area of translation studies. Degree Programs.

Comparative Literature

Department of Comparative Literature, 4125 Dwinelle Hall, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA 94720-2510, Email: [email protected]

Comparative Literature :: Swarthmore College

Swarthmore's Comparative Literature Program takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of literature, using different languages to study works from ...

Comparative Literature : Undergraduate Program

Major Requirements. The comparative literature degree at the University of Rochester offers three tracks, each reflecting a different aspect of comparative ...