
Compare apples and/to/with apples

Compare apples and/to/with apples - Merriam-Webster

The meaning of COMPARE APPLES AND/TO/WITH APPLES is to compare things that are very similar. How to use compare apples and/to/with apples in a sentence.

Apples-to-apples | Free online lesson with examples - Plain English

Comparisons are most useful when you are comparing two like items. If you compare two items that are basically similar, you're comparing apples to apples. But ...

What is a more formal term for 'apple to apple comparison'? - Quora

I would suggest the phrase, “lateral comparison.” A lateral move is a change in position that is not a step up or a step down, but remaining at the same level.

Apples-to-Apples...Explained - Entertainment Strategy Guy

Basically, “apples-to-apples” means “to hold all things equal.” When possible, if you're comparing two things, you try to keep all the variables ...

What does "apples to apples" phrase mean?

Comparing apples to apples means comparing things that can reasonably be compared, while the phrase apples to oranges often is used to ...

'Apples To Apples' Meaning -

An apples to apples comparison is a comparison between related or similar things. ('Apples for apples' is also used.) The idiom is often used hyphenated.

apples-to-apples comparison | WordReference Forums

Apples-to-apples comparison would be used to describe a comparison between two things that are similar in nature.

Professional term for "Apples to apples" comparison

Is there a term which would sound more fitting in an academic or professional setting for describing a comparison between two things.

apple to apple comparison | WordReference Forums

Making an "apple to apple comparison" means "comparing like with like" BECAUSE you are concerned that, previously, you've only been comparing ...

to compare apples and/with oranges - Cambridge Dictionary

TO COMPARE APPLES AND/WITH ORANGES meaning: 1. used to say that two things are completely different and it is not sensible to compare them: 2…. Learn more.

Compare apples and/to/with oranges - Merriam-Webster

The meaning of COMPARE APPLES AND/TO/WITH ORANGES is to compare things that are very different. How to use compare apples and/to/with oranges in a sentence.

Apples to Apples - Energy Choice Ohio

The PUCO produces the Apples to Apples charts to provide a snapshot comparison of current natural gas and electric supplier price options and contract terms.

It's like comparing apples to oranges. : r/entp - Reddit

When you use the phrase it's like comparing apples to oranges, you are trying to limit what the other person is talking about and you impose ...

Apples to oranges: How to avoid faulty comparisons - Cell Mentor

The phrase comparing apples to oranges applies when the attempted comparison is flawed or impossible. Grammatical comparisons can mistakenly compare apples to ...

apples to apples meaning, origin, example, sentence, history

Apples cannot be compared with any other fruit. Other Variants. apples and apples; apples with apples; apples to oranges (antonym). Share your opinions1 Opinion.

Apples to apples : r/German - Reddit

A German expression is: "Äpfel mit Birnen vergleichen" -- comparing apples to pears, meaning comparing things that you cannot really compare.

Comparing Apples to Apples--the best for eating & cooking

Some apples are better suited for eating raw because of their texture and flavor, others are better for pies and baking because they hold their shape when ...

Why do people think you cant compare apples to oranges? :: Off Topic

The idiom, comparing apples and oranges, refers to the differences between items which are popularly thought to be incomparable or ...

Apples and oranges - Wikipedia

The idiom, comparing apples and oranges, refers to the differences between items which are popularly thought to be incomparable or incommensurable, such as ...

Not All Comparisons Should Be Apples to Apples. - YouTube