
Comparison of different microphone positions for orchestra ...

Comparison of different microphone positions for orchestra ...

Comparison of different microphone positions for orchestra instruments · Joint Research Project with Nagoya University of the Arts, Universität der Künste ...

The Comparison of different microphone positions for orchestra ...

Dear all, Every musical instrument has a specific sound radiation pattern, which is highly dependent from frequency.

Comparison of different microphone positions for orchestra ...

Comparison of different microphone positions for orchestra instruments. Joint ... from the instrument to mic=250cm, AB : DPA 4006 AB50cm / RME Micstasy ...

Microphone placement differences for orchestral instruments

This seems useful to know. which position is your favorite?

Comparison of different mic positions - Gearspace

Isn't the test also in regards to the room? The position of mics relative to the instrument and the room. And - the exact same performance, ...

Mic positions for orchestral instruments - Piano Forum

Came across this and thought it may be of interest to those that do recordings. It is a research project with Universität der Künste Berlin ...

The comparison of main microphone positions in orchestra ...

To compare the best main microphone position in the orchestra recording. In a rehearsal of Chubu Philharmonic Orchestra's concert at the Komaki ...

ORTF mic placement for symphony orchestra - Gearspace

A setup like XY where the caps are on top of each other - only creates the stereo image via intensity differences. An AB spaced pair with omnis ...

Need suggestions on mic placement for recording an orchestra

For orchestral music, simplicity is best. It would be hard to beat a pair of KM184s in XY suspended directly over the conductor. Unless you have ...

Microphone Positions Demystified - YouTube

Let's talk about the most common mic positions used in orchestral recording and sample libraries, and what they're used for in a mix.

Multimiking a classical orchestra - DPA Microphones

In order to control the different orchestra sections in the recording, it is a good idea to use directional microphones on a limited distance i.e. 1 to 1.5 ...

Impractical or Insane? Setting microphone to each instruments on ...

Normally in orchestral recordings these days you'll see a mic on each desk of strings (so 1 mic per pair of string players), and a spot mic on ...

The comparison of main microphone positions in orchestra recording

To compare the direction of the best main microphone position in the orchestra recording. In a rehearsal of Nagoya University Of Arts Orchestra's Annual ...

Picking the right microphone for classical instruments | EP 03

Recording an Orchestra using Royer ribbon microphones, with engineer Robert Friedrich ... 5 Popular Stereo Mic'ing Techniques Explained & Compared.

Recording an Orchestra |

Spot microphones in cardioid or wide cardioid could be placed on individual instruments that have solos, on pairs of players, or on groups of players. A spot ...

Mic Positions in Virtual Instruments - YouTube

... Mic positions (concept) 7:25 Flute 11:04 Harp 14:58 Violin I 17:29 Orchestra ...

Using MIC POSITIONS in Orchestral Mockups - YouTube

I'm obsessed with composing. Join me: Join the newsletter and I'll share cool stuff I'm learning ...

ORCHESTRA RECORDING - 3 Microphone Overview - YouTube

... position) and Oktava MK-012 Small Diaphragm with Cardioid Capsule ... Small Diaphragm Condenser Microphone Comparison - Shure SM81, Oktava MK-012 ...

mic placement for recording an orchestra - Pro Audio Forums

If you are starting out, start with X/Y. Personally, recording orchestras and choirs with two microphones, direct to stereo is harder to do than ...

Which Microphone Positions Should I Download?

The Close position has a more direct sound with less response of the room. Raising the volume of the Close mics will also increase the playing ...