
Compounding natural hazards and high vulnerability led to severe ...

Compounding natural hazards and high vulnerability led to severe ...

Based on three observation-based data products we find that due to the effect of the IOD, the intensity of the rainfall this OND season was ...

Consideration of compound drivers and impacts in the disaster risk ...

Human and ecological disasters induced by extreme weather-related events are usually governed by multiple compounding features, leading to ...

Focus on Compound Events - National Climate Assessment

Multivariate: co-occurring hazards in a location, such as simultaneous precipitation deficits and extreme heat that contributed to the severe Pan-Caribbean 2013 ...

Compounding Effects of Social Vulnerability and Recurring Natural ...

In the most extreme case, the risk of reporting poor mental health was 66% higher in a high. SVI community that experienced a disaster every year between. 2001 ...

The Compounding Effects of Disasters and Confinement on the ...

Regarding mental health impacts of disasters, research shows that disasters and evacuation can trigger acute stress reactions or lead to the ...

Intensifying Pace and Severity of Extreme Events Increases Risks of ...

For many Gulf communities, the report says, the effects of these disasters compounded, increasing vulnerabilities, weakening response capacity, ...


vulnerable and high-risk areas. However, some people may be unable to move ... Natural disasters can create power vacuums and can lead to increased ...

The challenges of dynamic vulnerability and how to assess it - PMC

This is one of the many examples showing that the occurrence of consecutive disasters can severely aggravate the impacts of disasters, both by ...

How to build resilience in the face of compounding extreme events

The risk of more frequent and extreme natural hazards is rising with climate change. When these extreme events 'collide', their impacts compound ...

What are compound climate risks and how might they impact ...

“Compound risks” are when two or more climate risk hazards (not all of which are necessarily extreme) affect each other, increasing the overall ...

Natural hazards compound COVID-19 impacts on small businesses ...

Vulnerability arises from physical, social, economic, or environmental factors, which increase susceptibility of community members and their ...

Evidence of a Compounding Vulnerability Effect for Climate Hazards

Risk perceptions for extreme heat in neighbor- hoods of color in the United States are typically higher than those in white neighborhoods,.

Stop blaming the climate for disasters - Nature

Natural hazards such as floods, droughts and heatwaves become disasters as a result of societal vulnerability, that is, a propensity of people, ...

2022 U.S. billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in historical ...

The combined historical risk of U.S. severe storms and river flooding events places the spring and summer seasons in the high-risk category for ...

Compound Disasters and Compounding Processes Implications for ...

of a high level of vulnerability that existed among the population to this second hazard, and ... caused a second natural disaster event ...

Compound Risks: Implications for Physical Climate Scenario Analysis

structure of the economy, the timing and nature of the shock and different vulnerabilities, leading to heterogeneous impacts on economies ...

Risky Development: Increasing Exposure to Natural Hazards in the ...

Natural hazards, that is, the physical events that cause severe damage or loss (IPCC, 2007), pose an increasing threat to health, safety, ...

Disasters and Long-Term Recovery

Types of disasters include – but are not limited to – technological crises (e.g., oil spills, explosions) or natural hazards/extreme weather, including ...

1 Resilience for Compounding and Cascading Events

Compound disasters—two or more extreme events occurring simultaneously—are typically the outcome of multiple causes and can generate multiplicative damage and ...

Compound impacts from droughts and structural vulnerability on ...

Extreme dry weather (potentially exacerbated by anthropogenic climate change) is already affecting those most vulnerable to a warming climate, ...