
Computing characters of α|projective representations

Computing characters of α-projective representations - MathOverflow

Computing characters of α-projective representations ... Given a finite group G, a finite cyclic group A (viewed as a subgroup of C×, i.e. ...

A character theory for projective representations of finite groups

Consequently, we compute the number of distinct irreducible projective representations (up to isomorphism) of a finite group with a given ...

character theory for projective representations of finite groups

In particular, we compute the number of distinct irreducible projective representations (up to isomorphism) of a finite group with a given associated Schur ...

Convolution of irreducible characters of a finite group

Not only do characters enjoy orthogonality relations, the entries of any two matrix representations also exhibit orthogonality.

Projective representations and central extensions

Thus, given G the symmetry group of the system, we have a projective representation T:G→Aut(PH) which is a group homomorphism. The equivalence ...

a character theory for projective representations of finite groups

Consequently, we compute the number of distinct irreducible projective representations (up to isomorphism) of a finite group with a given associated Schur.

Computational Representation Theory -- Lecture I

i=1hχi,αiχi for α ∈ C(G). 3 α ∈ C(G) is a character if and only if hχi,αi ∈ N for all i ...

Modular Representations of Finite Groups

(Optional: pick a group and do the following for every dividing the order.) Compute the character table, the Brauer characters, the characters of the projective ...

Character theory - Wikipedia

Georg Frobenius initially developed representation theory of finite groups entirely based on the characters, and without any explicit matrix realization of ...

GAP (repsn) - Chapter 2: Irreducible Representations

This section introduces the main function to compute a representation of a finite group G affording an irreducible character χ of G.

Character table of S5 1 General information

The character of a representation α : g → GL(V ) is defined to be χα(g) ... that αS5 6= 2ϕ by computing I(1. 2. αS5 , 1. 2. αS5 ) = 1. 2. ). Now we can ...

Introductory expositions on projective representations of groups

Keywords: projective representation, spin representation, spin character, positive de nite ... These facts can be proved by calculating characters of them (see ...

Projective Representations

Using relation (4.8), we calculate the characters of elements of this representation, χ(g) = l ωgl ,g δgl g,gl = δg,e l ωg,e = δg,e n. (4.20). The ...

arXiv:quant-ph/0010082v2 7 Nov 2001

Quantum computing, nice error bases, generalizations of the Pauli basis, projective group representations, quantum error correcting codes. I. Introduction.

Introduction to representation theory - MIT Mathematics

Proposition 4.61 allows us to calculate the characters of the representations Lλ ... These characters are distinct for distinct pairs (α, ν) ...

Projective Characters of Exceptional Weyl Groups - CORE

classes of projective representations. We compute the table obtained by considering the spin representation of the fundamental representation only. This ...

The projective character tables of the maximal subgroups of ... - PJM

So, to overcome this constraint, we compute the representation group R of. "Perm:= G" using the GAP command "S:=SchurCover(Perm)" and then use the GAP ...

Projective representations of symmetric and alternating groups

The representation groups are not unique, for n≥4 there are two for Sn; however, to determine the projective representations of Sn it suffices ...

A Frobenius-Schur Extension for Real Projective Representation

4.6 Characters of Real projective representations . ... computing it on each basis element. Page 72. 64. Fix some indices i and j with i ≤ j. We have. ρV⊗ω ...

The projective character tables of the maximal subgroups of M22 ...

Keywords: projective character table, factor set, Schur multiplier, representation ... to compute irreducible projective characters of a so-called inertia factor ...