
Condition Scoring

Body Conditioning Scoring (BCS) Resources

Body Condition Scoring (BCS) is a tool that determines the relative fatness or energy balance and reserves of livestock. Depending on the species of animal, a ...

Body Condition Scoring - University of Idaho

A body condition score is determined by the amount of body fat or lack of body fat and is expressed nu- merically. • Pigs, sheep, goats and dairy cows are based ...

Body Condition Scores - VCA Animal Hospitals

The pet version of BMI is called BCS (Body Condition Score) and it is a quantitative, yet subjective, method for evaluating body fat.

4-H-550-W , Body Condition Scoring in Farm Animals

Body condition scoring is an important management practice used by producers as a tool to help optimize production, evaluate health, and assess nutritional.

Learn To Score Body Condition - Penn State Extension

From the side view, we evaluate the angle between the hooks and pins using the thurl as a reference point. If the angle between the hooks and pins forms a V the ...

Body Condition Scoring of Beef Cattle - MU Extension

Body Condition Scoring of Beef Cattle body condition scoring (BCS) of cattle allows producers to assess the fat reserves of cows during various production ...

Body Condition Scoring Beef Cattle

Weight dif- ferences between condition scores vary depending on the score and where the ani- mal is in the production cycle. These weight differences often ...

Body Condition Scoring of Cows | Oklahoma State University

The BCS system used for beef cows ranges from 1 to 9, with a score of 1 reflecting cows that are emaciated and a score of 9 reflecting cows that are obese. Thin ...

Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows

Body condition scoring (BCS) is an easy and economical way to evaluate the body fat percentage of a cow. Cows can then be sorted and fed according to ...

3-Step Body Condition Scoring (BCS) Guide for Range Cattle

Body condition scores (BCS) are a systematic approach to quantifying the energy reserves of beef cattle grazing on rangeland and pastureland.

Body Condition Scoring in Horses

Body condition scoring (BCS) is a method of estimating the amount of fat on a horse's body. The method was developed at Texas A&M University.

Condition scoring of sheep - Department of Agriculture and Food

Condition scoring sheep is an easy and accurate method of estimating the condition or 'nutritional well being' of your sheep flock.

MF3274 Guide to Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows and Bulls

What is a body condition score? Body condition scoring (BCS) is a method for determining the relative fatness of beef cattle. The system used by beef ...

Body Condition Scoring | Animal Health and Welfare

Body condition scoring is a hands-on assessment that uses a numerical rating system based on the feel of the animal rather than descriptions based simply on a ...

Body Condition -

A hands-on evaluation of the body condition score will give you a much better sense of your cows' fat stores. In Canada, body condition is scored from 1-5, with ...

Horse Body Condition Scoring | Purina Animal Nutrition

Most horses, including performance horses and growing horses, should be in a body score of 5-6. For optimum reproductive efficiency, broodmares should be a 5-7.

Body Condition Scoring (BCS) Systems

Dogs: Ribs, lumbar vertebrae, pelvic bones and all bony prominences evident from a distance. No discernible body fat. Obvious loss of muscle mass.

Cattle body condition scoring

Condition score 2. Backbone visible. Hips and shoulder bones visible. Ribs visible faintly. Tail-head area slightly recessed. Body outline bony.

Body Condition Scoring — Association for Pet Obesity Prevention

1. Feel your pet's body. You should easily feel and count your pet's ribs when you gently run your fingers along their side.

Body Condition Scoring as a Tool for Dairy Herd Management

Cows should calve with adequate, but not excessive, body fat reserves and a BCS between 3.25 and 3.75. Dry matter intake should be managed ...