
Create Jira tickets from another application

Create Jira tickets from another application - Atlassian Community

Solved: Can we create Jira tickets from another application UI? Users can create an issue/ticket by providing a pop up window on their ...

What's the easiest way to create Jira tickets from an External Form?

Users would not be able to interact with issues after they submit the 'Create Jira Issue' form. This would be a form living on an 100% external web page or ...

Automate ticket creation from external Application

If you are okay with add-ons Smart Jira Forms can bridge the gap between your external applications and Jira by allowing you to create publicly shareable forms ...

From JSM, Create ticket in another Jira Software instans

If you want to automate the creation of tickets from your customer support JSM to the R&D Jira, Backbone could be a perfect solution for you!

I need to create JIRA tickets from my web application

i have to give option for our users to create JIRA tickets from our application. Do all users need account to create tickets.

Solved: External form to create tickets in Jira - Atlassian Community

Once the form is submitted, it would create a Jira entity (a ticket) which would have a New status assigned, which I can change to In Progress / ...

Integrate Jira issues with your application - Atlassian Developer

Another way to enhance your application or service is to pull in relevant Jira issues into your user interface using Jira REST APIs. Use JQL to pull in all ...

Create Jira tickets with ChatGPT and JiraAPI - Marco Vanali - Medium

As always on the look for some fun side project I thought, what if I could use ChatGPT to create a simple web app that generates Jira tickets by ...

Is it possible to auto-create a JIRA ticket for a a different project ...

Yes, you can do that with an automation for Jira rule, triggered on the issue create in project A and checking the labels before creating another issue in ...

How to Create Jira Ticket a Step by Step Tutorial - YouTube

Need help creating a ticket in Jira? Learn How to Create Jira Ticket with the "Jira How-to" Series by Jexo. Are you managing projects in ...

Jira for Tickets app | Intercom Help

To create a new Jira issue from your Intercom ticket, click the Create a new issue button in your Jira for tickets sidebar app. Select a Jira project from ...

Application to quickly create tickets on (Mac, Safari, Chrome) : r/jira

And also I've read that you want to "create a ticket with a screenshot". This wouldn't be possible to do directly in Jira. You can use some a ...

3 Ways to Use Google to Generate Jira Tickets - Atlassian Community

All you have to do is go to your Calendar, find the right time slot, and create a Jira ticket! Then, once the meeting or event is officially ...

Use Jira applications and Confluence together

Create issues from inside Confluence · In the editor choose Insert > Jira Issue > Create new issue. · Enter your server (if you have multiple Jira sites connected ...

How to Work on Jira Ticket - YouTube

This video will show you how to create jira ticket, create jira issue and how to work with jira issue. How can you change jira issue status ...

How to Create a Jira Ticketing System - Help Scout

Once you have your Help Scout account set up, you can connect to Jira Software by clicking “Manage” and then selecting “Apps.”.

Creating JIRA ticket from an application trigger - Atlassian Community

Depending on the system sending an email you could indeed also create some kind of script that gets triggered and calls the Jira API to create a ...

How to automate Jira issue creation - Appfire

There are different ways you can create a Jira issue: ... Bulk cloning app Clone Plus is handy for creating multiple Jira tickets simultaneously.

Create a Ticket and send it to two projects - jira - Reddit

You can create the issue in one project and then create an automation or use a third party app post-function to create a duplicate issue on the ...

How to create a Jira ticket - Actonic

We have merged our Atlassian licensing and consulting business with our partners over at Seibert Group. The Actonic apps will continue to be developed by ...