
Creating a Context for Children's Memory

Remembering things without context: Development matters - PMC

Context provides a scaffold for memories, facilitating encoding and serving as a cue for retrieval. For example, stable visual-spatial contexts can facilitate ...

Contextual Memory, Cognitive Skill - CogniFit

For example, associating a room with a terrible event (just because it happened there once), or a song with someone special, making our reality a feasible ...

The Best Way to Help Children Remember Things? Not “Memorable ...

Episodic memory is so tied up with context it is no good for remembering things once that context is no longer present. This means that it has ...

Top Ten Favorite Tips to Improve Children's Memory

Encourage your child to create visual imagery of history events or scientific process. Describe by example how you might visualize the arrival ...

What is Context Dependent Memory? - Goally

Context dependent memory is when your child remembers things better in the same place where they first learned them. It's like their brain has a built-in ...

Developing memory — Early Learning Professionals

While research has demonstrated that very young children can recall memories with specific details, for memories to become autobiographical, or rather, part of ...

Emotions and Memory Formation in Early Childhood

... child how to regulate their emotions and build memory skills. ... The emotional context surrounding an event has a significant impact on memory ...

Examining the development of memory for temporal context and its ...

Distance-based processes rely on impressions of memory strength to infer when events took place (i.e., more vivid memories occurred more recently). Children's ...

The Socialization of Children's Memory: Linking Maternal ...

Maternal conversational style while reminiscing was also significantly related to children's strategic behaviors and recall in two deliberate memory tasks, both ...

What Is Context Dependent Memory? Your Complete Guide

You can also use parts of the environments you study in to create cues in the future. Or, you can use context to help you stop losing things. How to Stop Losing ...

How Memory Develops in Conversational Contexts (Chapter 14)

The demonstration of both how the development of deliberate memory was shaped by formal schooling and how academic success was scaffolded by developing mnemonic ...

Brain: Memory | Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development

Researchers have used elicited imitation to assess declarative memory in preverbal children. In elicited imitation, infants are presented with ...

Category learning in kindergartners under contextual variation - OSF

... context effects on memory and learning in adults and young children. ... Instead, they first have to build a ... In the retrieval phase, the ...

Mental context reinstatement or drawing: Which better enhances ...

These studies have demonstrated that children generate more false memories for these details when they draw them than when they do not. However, it has not yet ...

Improving children's prospective memory in a natural setting - Cottini

Laboratory-based studies have shown that children's ability to remember intentions (i.e., prospective memory; PM) can be improved by asking ...

Memory for an event in two- and five-years olds

context, and ingredients used in making graham cracker cookies. These children were tested in their own homes. Long term memory for toys and ingredients was ...

(PDF) Children's Memory Development: Remembering the Past and ...

... These findings provide information on the extent to which conversations at home -such as those reflected in parental scaffolding during reminiscing ...

Principles of Child Development and Learning and Implications That ...

This includes emotional support as well as strategies such as pointing out salient details or providing other cues that can help children make connections to ...

Cognitive Development Domain - California Department of Education

Cultural context is important to young children's cognitive development. ... There is significant variability in attentiveness even among typically developing ...

The role of context in episodic memory: Behavior and neurophysiology

Context is what makes an episodic memory episodic. For example, if your parents have always told you that you visited a particular beach as a child, but you ...