
Cross Lingual Named Entity Recognition using Deep Learning

Cross Lingual Named Entity Recognition using Deep Learning

offer valuable insights into managing cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER) in languages with limited annotated data. In their paper, ...

Cross Lingual Named Entity Recognition using Deep Learning

The work utilized advanced natural language processing approaches, utilising the BERT, ROBERTA, CNN and LSTM models combined with language-specific Multilayer ...

Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition Based on Attention and ...

Named entity recognition aims to extract entities with specific meaning from unstructured text. Currently, deep learning methods have been ...

Low-Resource Named Entity Recognition with Cross-Lingual ... - arXiv

Named entity recognition (NER) presents a challenge for modern machine learning, wherein a learner must deduce which word tokens refer to ...

Neural Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition with Minimal ...

In contrast, it is also possible to learn lex- ical mappings through bilingual word embed- dings (BWE). These bilingual embeddings can be obtained by using a ...

Cross-Lingual NER - Papers With Code

For languages with no annotated resources, transferring knowledge from rich-resource languages is an effective solution for named entity recognition (NER). 1.

Analyzing transfer learning impact in biomedical cross-lingual ...

Recent NER approaches use contextualized word representations as input for a downstream classification task. However, distributed word vectors ( ...

Zero-Resource Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition

With the ongoing neural tsunami, most recent approaches use deep neural networks to circumvent the expensive steps of designing informative features and ...

Named Entity Recognition using Cross-lingual Resources: Arabic as ...

It is shown that cross-lingual features and resources in Arabic have a dramatic positive effect on recall, and are effective on a standard dataset as well ...

Crosslingual named entity recognition for clinical de-identification ...

The automation of clinical de-identification through deep learning techniques has proven to be less effective for languages other than English due to the ...

Improving Low Resource Named Entity Recognition using Cross ...

Neural networks have been widely used for high resource language (e.g. English) named entity recognition (NER) and have shown state-of-the-art results.

MCL-NER: Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition via Multi ... - arXiv

Cross-lingual named entity recognition (CrossNER) suffered from significant performance degradation in low-resource languages with limited data. In response to ...

Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition via FastAlign: a Case Study

In Machine Translation, named entities often cause translation failures regardless of local context, affecting the output quality of translation. Annotating ...

Enhancing Cross-Lingual Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition by ...

Previous work has demonstrated that incorporating unlabeled data with potential entities in the target language can enhance cross-lingual model ...

Token-Free Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition for Classical ...

One research uses a contrastive learning approach to enhance machine reading comprehension of both languages by contrastive learning of Classical Chinese and ...

Improved Named Entity Recognition using Machine Translation ...

We estimate the cross-lingual features using an English named entity recognizer and the alignment information. We use these cross-lingual features in a support ...

Neural Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition with Minimal ...

... Cross-lingual NER Cross-language named entity recognition (CrossNER) achieves significant progress in recent years due to the development of pre-trained ...

Unsupervised cross-lingual model transfer for named entity ... - NCBI

Named entity recognition (NER) is one fundamental task in the natural language processing (NLP) community. Supervised neural network models ...

Named Entity Recognition in Low-resource Languages using Cross ...

KEYWORDS : Natural Language Processing, Named Entity Recognition, Neural Network, Annotation ... Nowadays, machine learning (ML) approaches are popularly used in ...

Cross-lingual Transfer Learning for Japanese Named Entity ...

... Machine Learning to help build industry-leading Speech and Language technology. ... detection and correction. Key job responsibilities In this role you ...