
Cultivating Sabbath Rest in a Busy World

Cultivating Sabbath Rest in a Busy World - DTS Voice

Jesus proclaimed the Sabbath as a day for God's people to celebrate their redemption and experience God's presence.

How Can Busy Christians Have a Restful Sabbath? - Holy Joys

Pastors are especially responsible for cultivating Sabbath rest in their churches. Ministers should limit distractions from true worship. A ...


The biblical idea of the sabbath has been largely lost in our modern society. The Jewish philosopher Abraham Heschel in his book, The Sabbath, argues for the ...

A Sacred Pause: The Significance of Cultivating Sabbath Rest

[5] Wendell Berry states, “Sabbath observance invites us to stop. It invites us to rest. It asks us to notice that while we rest, the world ...

Sabbath: Finding Rest In a Weary World - Redemption Gilbert

God designed the world so that the day started with sleep and the week ended with rest. Have you ever considered that the start of the spiritual ...

How to Find Sabbath Rest in a Busy World - LEAD BIBLICALLY

Discover the power of Sabbath rest, dedicating one day to pause, reflect, and reconnect with God to enhance your spiritual well-being.

Wisdom and Sabbath Rest - Redeemer City to City

Leadership is stewardship—the cultivation of the resources God has entrusted to us for his glory. The Sabbath gives us both theological and practical help ...

Creating Rest (or Sabbath) in a Busy World - Encouraging Women

Ways to Prepare for the Sabbath or Rest Day: · Complete grocery shopping and meal preparation by sundown the day before. · Lay out your clothing ...

The Importance of Rest: Learning to Sabbath in a Busy World

In today's fast-paced and busy world, taking time for rest and recovery is more important than ever to maintain good physical, mental, and emotional health.

Finding Sabbath Rest for Your Brain in a Restless World | Anita Ojeda

Steps for Taking a Mental Sabbath Rest · 1. Make a commitment to stay off of social media on the Sabbath. · 2. Schedule what brings you joy. · 3.

How to Take a Sabbath and Embrace God's Gift of Rest

Taking a regular Sabbath day can open our eyes to our own finitude and direct our attention to the divine source of true rest. In a world ...

The Sabbath Practice

An ancient way to find rest for your soul. The Sabbath is a 24-hour time period set aside to stop, rest, delight, and worship. It is the best day of the week.

Sabbath rest in a 24/7 world - Fuller Youth Institute

There is a variety of ways to build some space into our schedules. We may think that going to a retreat center is “how” to retreat. That is ...

Sabbath rest...who has time for that? A neglected invitation

We are instructed to rest, one day a week. Like the Wizard of Oz, I bluster & bellow how I'm too important to be bothered. Too busy to rest. I ...

Sabbath: An Enduring Principle For the Soul - The Gospel Coalition

Reminder of Rest ... Being overly busy is, in the end, a way of pursuing Godlike status. When we think we can schedule our way to significance, we ...

Sabbath Rest - Saying No Leads to Saying Yes - ChurchPlants

First, I found I had to examine my trust issues. Learning Sabbath rest in a busy world requires trusting in a God who stands above it all, who ...

Sabbath and Rest in a Busy Work Culture | Christian Tech Jobs

In a world that glorifies busyness and constant productivity, the biblical practice of Sabbath rest may seem counterintuitive or even ...

How to Keep the Sabbath in Modern Times (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Timothy Keller once said, “Because the world is full of ugly things, we need the Sabbath to feed our soul with beauty.” The Sabbath is a day we can drink deeply ...

Waking Up to the Gift of Sabbath - Transforming Center

I knew sabbath was a thing. But on a level I had not yet been willing to acknowledge, I was too busy, too important, too caught in cultural expectations, to ...

Cultivating Sabbath Rest - Disciplines of the Faith - The Thin Place

We are busy. There is work to be done. Work for ourselves and work for the Lord. But even God, who never sleeps, rested on the Seventh Day of ...