- Culture war🔍
- Culture wars🔍
- How the culture wars poisoned American politics — and how to fix it🔍
- How the 'Culture War' Could Break Democracy🔍
- Culture Wars🔍
- Everything you wanted to know about the culture wars – but were ...🔍
- The Politics of the Culture Wars in Contemporary America🔍
- What to read about America's culture wars🔍
Culture wars in America
In political usage, the term culture war is a metaphor for "hot-button" politics about values and ideologies, realized with intentionally adversarial social ...
Culture wars: How identity became the center of politics in America
The culture wars as we know it begins in the 1960s, which were rife with movements for liberation and change, according to historians.
How the culture wars poisoned American politics — and how to fix it
Hunter says that culture wars have so completely poisoned American politics that they've made authoritarianism dangerously attractive to too ...
How the 'Culture War' Could Break Democracy - POLITICO
And therefore, the “culture war” is really about the mobilization of political resources —of people and votes and parties—around certain ...
Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America
Culture Wars presents a riveting account of how Christian fundamentalist, Orthodox Jews, and conservative Catholics have joined forces in a fierce battle.
Everything you wanted to know about the culture wars – but were ...
It is therefore specifically a dispute between religious and secular forces. Certainly if we look at America, where the modern incarnation of ...
The Politics of the Culture Wars in Contemporary America
Western societies are in the midst of a growing “culture war” between cultural socialism and cultural liberalism. The two sides in this ...
What to read about America's culture wars - The Economist
JAMES DAVISON HUNTER, an American sociologist, popularised the term “culture wars” in his book of the same name (its subtitle was “The Struggle ...
The 'culture wars' have long plagued the U.S. | Guest Columns
“Culture Wars: The Struggle to Define America,” published in 1991 by the now-celebrated sociologist James Davison Hunter.
Culture Wars in America - Hoover Institution
Culture wars threaten to diminish America's ability to absorb new immigrants and to benefit from the diversity already present in our country. Much ...
Culture Wars and Enduring American Dilemmas - Project MUSE
The contemporary American culture wars can be seen as an outgrowth of characteristically American culture patterns.
America's 'culture wars' are a stalemate - NBC News
America's “culture wars” are at a stalemate. That's the main takeaway from our new NBC News poll results on race, values vs. tolerance, and acceptance of ...
The history of the culture wars — from abortion to school books - NPR
America's culture wars are creating a world of "magnificent heroes and sickening villains" as people fight a fierce battle in black and ...
The American Culture Wars - UVA Press
Even though the majority of Americans hold moderate views on issues such as abortion, homosexual rights, funding for the arts and public broad.
The Culture War That Isn't - Hoover Institution
THE TERM "CULTURE WAR" itself, as applied to American politics, did not gain wide currency until the 1990s. What pushed it into circulation were the ...
The Coming End of the Culture Wars - Center for American Progress
The term “culture wars” dates back to a 1991 book by academic James Davison Hunter who argued that cultural issues touching on family and religious values, ...
The Struggle Is Real: Understanding the American “Culture War”
This essay clarifies what exactly the culture war is, and how to understand in what sense it is still a part of American life.
Culture Wars and Enduring American Dilemmas
Irene Taviss Thomson gives us a nuanced portrait of American social politics that helps explain both why we are drawn to the idea of a 'culture war'
Can a left vs. right culture war eventually cool down, or will it ... - Reddit
Another reason is that the "culture war" is largely over - the vast majority of Americans are in favor of LGBT rights - but the political ...
Why cultural and political divides in the U.S. seem to be getting worse
Why cultural and political divides in the U.S. seem to be getting worse ; How the culture wars engulfed society by the man who coined the term.