
Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems

Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems

Conclusions. The cumulative effects of fire and drought produce distinct landscape configurations under moderate disturbance regimes that are ...

Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems

Key words: additive model; climatic change; compound disturbance regimes; cumulative effects; drought; ecosystem resilience; fire; Mediterranean ...

Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems

Overall, the cumulative effects of fire and drought can lead to distinct landscape configurations under moderate disturbance regimes that are otherwise only ...

Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems

The occurrence of multiple disturbances can jointly affect the recovery capacity of ecosystems,potentially leading to changes in vegetation dynamics or loss ...

How Mediterranean Ecosystem Deals with Wildfire Impact on Soil ...

Fires occur more frequently, and although Mediterranean ecosystems can coexist with them, this change in the fire regime can have adverse effects [16]. Forest ...

Climate change, large fires, and cultural landscapes in the ...

As a matter of fact, in the Mediterranean Basin, the types of vegetation that appear immediately after a fire are more flammable and accumulate more dead ...

Shifts in ecosystems state in Mediterranean landscapes ... - CORDIS

On the other hand, results strongly suggest that the interacting effects of fire and drought regimes effectively modulate the resilience of the ...

20180101_Compound_fire-d.docx - eScholarship

Compound fire‐drought regimes promote ecosystem transitions in Mediterranean ecosystems ... ). Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems.

Long-Term Cumulative Effects of Wildfires on Soil-Vegetation ...

Our findings indicate a potential extension of the fire season, reflecting the impacts of climate change. Despite improvements in firefighting ...

Protected areas, drought, and grazing regimes influence fire ...

Extreme fire seasons in the Mediterranean basin have received international attention due to the damage caused to people, livelihoods, ...

A Global review of cumulative effects assessments of disturbances ...

Disturbances such as fire and drought are described as having a direct impact on vegetation (Chick et al., 2019), ecosystems (Mediterranean) ( ...

Droughts and heatwaves in the Western Mediterranean: impact on ...

Droughts and heatwaves in the Mediterranean can induce plant activity decline and severe wildfires leading to considerable economic, social and environmental ...

Increased aridity drives post‐fire recovery of Mediterranean forests ...

Projected increases in aridity may reduce the resilience of Mediterranean forests against fires and drive post‐fire ecosystem dynamics toward open shrubland.

(PDF) Compound fire‐drought regimes promote ecosystem ...

... The cumulative effects of fire and drought promoted sudden changes in the ecosystem state (Batllori et al., 2019). For example, an extreme drought year ...

Mediterranean wildfires - Interconnected Disaster Risks 2021/2022

the Mediterranean significantly reduce the adverse socioeconomic and ecological effects of future wildfires (Moreira ... wildfires in California as drought ...

Compound fire-drought regimes promote ecosystem transitions in ...

We use a modelling framework for Mediterranean-type ecosystems to assess the effects of fire–drought interactions on long-term vegetation ...

Forest Fire Regime in a Mediterranean Ecosystem - MDPI

Frequent and severe droughts typically intensify wildfires provided that there is enough fuel in situ. The extent to which climate change may influence the ...

Increased likelihood of heat-induced large wildfires in the ... - Nature

Wildfire activity is expected to increase across the Mediterranean Basin because of climate change. However, the effects of future climate ...

Fuel build-up promotes an increase in fire severity of reburned areas ...

However, empirical evidence about these feedbacks is absent in fire-prone ecosystems of the western Mediterranean Basin, where the response of ...

Your search: "author:Lloret, Francisco" - eScholarship

Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems · Batllori, Enric;; De Cáceres, Miquel;; Brotons, Lluís;; Ackerly, David D;; Moritz, Max A ...