
Customizing the Workbook That Opens When Excel Starts

Customize how Excel starts - Microsoft Support

To automatically open a specific workbook when you start Excel, you can place that workbook in the XLStart folder, or you can use an alternate startup folder in ...

Automatically open a specific workbook or template when you start ...

You can set Excel to open that workbook or template when it starts. To open ... To create a custom workbook or worksheet template, type the name you want to use.

Excel default startup template - Microsoft Community

That custom office templates does contain a few ... When I click my Excel it automatically opens a blank workbook - which is what I want.

Customizing the Workbook That Opens When Excel Starts - YouTube

The Excel default template is the basic template that Excel uses when you create a new, blank workbook. It typically contains default ...

Automatically start Excel with a blank workbook - Microsoft Community

In Excel 2013 and later, Excel defaults to showing the Start screen with recent workbooks, locations, and templates upon starting. This setting ...

Customize how Excel starts in Excel for Mac - Microsoft Support

When Excel opens a new workbook, the new file is created from a template called Workbook. To use a custom template, you must replace the default Workbook ...

Excel doesn't load my custom template upon opening new workbook

Locate the XLStart folder. Any workbook, template, or workspace file that you place in the XLStart folder is automatically opened when you start Excel.

Excel Custom Styles available to all workbooks, new or existing

It was further suggested that if you create or open an existing Book1.xltx (template) workbook that you create and save into the XLSTART folder, ...

Microsoft Excel: How to Customize the Default Excel Workbook

Overview: Creating a New Excel Workbook Template · Open a new blank Excel workbook. · Next, customize the blank workbook exactly as you want it to ...

Always open 'Blank Workbook' when clicking (File) > (New), and ...

Do you want to keep the start window with Blank Workbook template or just want to open Excel without Start Window? · @Lee The answer below did ...

How can I change the format of "Blank Workbook" when starting Excel

Now, when Excel starts, it will use the Book.xlsx form the XLSTART folder to create a blank workbook. If, however, you click File > New > Blank ...

Modify Excel's default blank workbook - Journal of Accountancy

This action creates a new custom blank Excel workbook template containing your specific default settings. (Note: Depending on your computer's ...

How to Automatically Open Specific Excel File on Startup

Excel allows you to customize the startup behavior where you can specify if you want to open a new blank workbook (instead of the start screen), or a specific ...

Opening worksheet with custom view and read-only - Mr. Excel

This is the process: User opens workbook - It opens with custom view and read-only. Workbook is protected, but user can filter on data. No ...

How to Setup a Default Template for New Workbooks in ... - YouTube

... Startup Remember to Disable Start Screen (File - Options ... Excel, workbook settings, font customization, Book.XLTX, row height ...

Default Worksheet when Opening - Microsoft Excel Tips

Default Worksheet when Opening · Make sure you have only a single Excel workbook open. · Press Alt+F11 to display the VBA Editor. · In the Project ...

Customize How Excel Starts - YouTube

This brief video show you how to make sure there are some customize settings start automatically when you create a new workbook.

Opening a Template File Automatically When Starting Microsoft Excel

Save a template workbook file, named Book.xlt (in Excel 2000, the book name is Sheet.xlt), in the XlStart subfolder. When Excel starts, a customized workbook, ...

How to set a default template in Excel | Exceljet

Open a new blank workbook and customize the options as you like; Save the workbook as an Excel template with the name "book" (Excel will add .xltx) *; Move the ...

Customize Default Excel Workbook - My Online Training Hub

Did you know that when Excel opens a new workbook it uses a template called 'Book' to create the new file? This means we can create a custom ...