
DataScript| A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data

DataScript–a Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data

DataScript consists of two components: a constraint-based specification language that uses DataScript types to de- scribe the physical layout of data and a ...

DataScript- A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data

DataScript is a language to describe and manipulate binary data formats as types. DataScript consists of two components: a constraint-based specification ...

DataScript - A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data

DataScript specifications can be used to describe formats in a programmatic way, eliminating the vagaries and ambiguities often associated with prosaic format ...

DataScript- A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data

PDF | DataScript is a language to describe and manipulate binary data formats as types. DataScript consists of two components: a ...

DataScript - A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data

Examples are shown that demonstrate that DataScript is simple, yet powerful enough to describe many commonly used formats, and the libraries generated by ...


"DataScript - A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data", Godmar Back, Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Generative Programming ...

DataScript Language Overview

DataScript is a formal language for modelling binary datatypes, bitstreams or file ... DataScript - a Specification and Scripting Language for Bi- nary · Data. [ ...

DataScript. A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data ...

Article "DataScript. A Specification and Scripting Language for Binary Data." Detailed information of the J-GLOBAL is an information service managed by the ...

A Binary Data Stream Scripting Language - Scholarship@Western

We have also developed a generic application to parse the script and the raw data. The user can write a script for a specific data format using DFSL language.

A Binary Data Stream Scripting Language - arXiv

Key-Words: binary data stream, scripting languages, data format, low-level coding ... Back, “DataScript – A Specification and. Scripting Language for Binary Data ...

Protodata—a language for binary data -

Protodata lets you write binary data using a textual markup language. I've found this really useful in game development when I want a custom ...

Awesome binary parsing - GitHub

jBinary (JavaScript) High-level API for working with binary data. Wuffs: a memory-safe programming language (and a standard library written in that language) ...

(PDF) Additional file 4 - ResearchGate

DataScript is a language to describe and manipulate binary data formats as types. DataScript consists of two components: a constraint-based specification ...

What language are .bin's written in? : r/HowToHack - Reddit

... language and assumes that you've compiled that code into that binary format. ... file extension for binary data, but like all file ...

Are there (have there been) any efforts to create a schema language ...

Yes, several people have tried to do this. One such attempt is Binary Format Description. Another is Data Format Description Language.

DRY reading binary structured data - New to Julia

The header is always present, and may be followed by a set of links (essentially UInt64s) pointing to other blocks. The payload part may be ...

Data serialization formats - Wikis - Elixir Forum

YAML (“YAML Ain't Markup Language”) is generally well suited to ... Binary Format”. When I went off to look for information on UBF, I ...

Journal "Computational Technologies"

... data reading and printing code from the data format specifications in the language ... DataScript — A specification and scripting language for binary data.

Reading binary data to structs - Rust Users Forum

The Rust Programming Language Forum · Reading binary data to structs · help · ericlangedijk April 6, 2024, 11:02am 1. What is the way to read arbitrary data ...

A Model and Declarative Language for Specifying Binary Data ...

Back, J., DataScript—A specification and scripting language for binary data, Lect. Notes Comput. Sci., 2002, vol. 2487, pp. 66–77.