
Date formatting in one column is totally inconsistent.

Date formatting in one column is totally inconsistent. - excel - Reddit

I have a column of dates in different formats (see below). No matter what I do I can't seem to make the data consistent long date and then able to sort it ...

Inconsistent date column - Microsoft Community

If it is dd/mm/yyyy and you opened the CSV file directly in Excel instead of importing it and (perhaps) setting the column format to Text, then ...

[SOLVED] Inconsistent date format - help needed with conversion

I suspect that your original text data are all MDY dates, but your OS is set to read DMY dates. Once we understand where your data are coming ...

Clean inconsistent date formatting in pandas dataframe column

If it helps, I only care about the DATE; the time is actually extraneous info produced by the system, but as you can observe in the non- ...

Solved: Custom datetime column inconsistent formatting

I have run into this issue. Basically the date formatting is getting tagged during your transformation process. I would guess that you are likely seeing this ...

Excel: How to fix date format problems - Text to Columns ... - YouTube

Why does Excel not recognise some dates as numbers? How can I fix it? In this video I'll show you how to break up badly formatted dates ...

Inconsistent date format in source data - Power BI forums

One of the columns is a date field, and I've found examples where the date formatting is inconsistent (mm/dd/yyyy vs dd/mm/yyyy). The majority of the PDF ...

Inconsistency with formatting a date using the "Date / Time in ...

It could be due to how the column/cell is formatted in GSheets that's causing the issue. An alternative would be to use Airtable instead of ...

How to Clean Inconsistent Date Formats with Data Tools - LinkedIn

For example, if you have a dataset with dates in the format MM/DD/YYYY and another one with dates in the format DD/MM/YYYY, you may end up with ...

Unable to get Excel to recognise date in column - Super User

1) Select the date column. Under Data choose button Text to Columns. On first screen leave radio button on "delimited" and click Next.

Converting Inconsistent Formatting to a Date Field - Alteryx Community

I think the last one in the table may be more difficult if it were, for example, 07/08/2024 (meant to be August 7th) but if the rest of the formats were ...

Excel/VBA inconsistent date conversions | MrExcel Message Board

If you change the format of the cells before running text to columns then problems can occur. If you add new dates to the end of the column then ...

[Solved] Inconsistent date formats - (View topic)

The text import dialog provides import options for each column. One of them is "English (US)", another one is "Date(MDY)". ANy of them should ...

Inconsistent format - Date column in API - is Seatable Cloud always ...

Moin zusammen,. I have two accounts in SeaTable - one for myself and one that I created for my employer - both in cloud.

Dates Order inconsistent - Power BI - Enterprise DNA Forum

You can see on the screen shot I have a table with Date(Date), and that sequences correctly. I then have another table with the column ...

Date troubles in Excel? Inconsistent date formats in column are ...

First, clear the formats. On the Home tab, Editing group, you'll see a white button that looks like an eraser. Click on it to find Clear Formats.

Conditional formatting using "OR" giving inconsistent results

I question your date in cell B1. Try entering this formula anywhere on your sheet and tell me what it returns. Code: =TEXT(B1,"yyyy/mm/dd").

MS Excel Date Formatting Not Consistent, Try Text To Columns

Struggling with inconsistent date formatting in MS Excel? This video tutorial has the solution you need. Learn how to tackle those pesky ...

Dates Order inconsistent - #15 by jpratt - Enterprise DNA Forum

In a table visual, the default sort will depend on the columns added, the sequence of adding them, etc. until you indicate the column you want ...

Copied Dates from Excel are not dates in Sheets - Google Help

It does require that column A be formatted in a specific way, DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm AM/PM, so that the dates that Sheets things are correct, and ...