
Deep Seabed Mining

What We Know About Deep-Sea Mining and What We Don't

Deep-sea mining aims to retrieve valuable mineral deposits found on the ocean's floor, hundreds or even thousands of meters below its surface.

Deep sea mining - Wikipedia

Deep sea mining ... Not to be confused with Naval mining. Deep sea mining is the extraction of minerals from the seabed of the deep sea. The main ores of ...

Deep-sea mining - resource | IUCN

Deep-sea mining is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the deep seabed – the ocean below 200m. Depleting terrestrial deposits and rising demand ...

Deep Seabed Mining - The Ocean Foundation

Deep seabed mining (DSM) is a potential commercial industry that is attempting to mine mineral deposits from the seafloor, in the hopes of extracting ...

Seafloor Mining - Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Mining operations in deeper waters have led to a very different results: When investors tried about 40 years ago to retrieve potato-sized manganese nodules ...

Deep-Sea Mining Could Begin Soon, Regulated or Not

Deep-Sea Mining Could Begin Soon, Regulated or Not ... A polymetallic nodule held in a peron's hand. Polymetallic nodules from the deep ocean ...

Deep-sea Mining Interests and Activities in the Western Pacific

Deep-sea Mining Interests and Activities in the Western Pacific ... Commercial deep-sea mining is presently in an exploratory phase, but is certain to occur ...

The promise and risks of deep-sea mining - Reuters

Decades of research has shown that deep sea mining could harm marine life or ecosystems. For example, sediment plumes kicked up by the robotic ...

No Deep Seabed Mining | WWF -

The long-term value of a healthy ocean far outweighs the short-term profits offered by deep seabed mining. Opening up this new frontier for extraction would ...

Deep-sea mining: why is interest growing and what are the risks?

Supporters of deep sea mining argue that a huge expansion of mining on land would cause further environmental havoc: mining the sea floor is ...

The looming threat of deep-sea mining - BBC

The treaty could help to protect the oceans from potential environmental damage caused by mining the seabed for metals such as cobalt, manganese and nickel.

Explainer: Deep-sea mining - Dialogue Earth

Mining the deep sea involves extracting mineral deposits from seabeds at more than 200 metres below the surface. This area covers around 65% of ...

Deep-Sea Mining Could Help Meet Demand for Critical Minerals ...

Deep below the sea lay critical minerals that are both high in value and demand. These critical minerals—such as cobalt, nickel, ...

Five things you need to know about deep-sea mining

Deep-sea mining is the process of retrieving mineral deposits from the ocean below 200 metres—the deep seabed, which covers around two-thirds of ...

Nations Discuss Deep-Seabed Mining in International Waters Amid ...

A growing number of governments, scientists and organizations are raising concerns about the potential harm that deep-sea mining would cause ...

Visualizing Deep-sea Mining - YouTube

This animation demonstrates how a collector vehicle launched from a ship during deep-sea mining would travel 15000 feet below sea level to ...

Why the U.S. hasn't joined the race for deep sea mining ... - CBS News

Conspicuously absent is the United States, kept out of the race by a group of Republican Senators who say the treaty undermines American power.

Seabed Mining Project - The Pew Charitable Trusts

The cold, dark waters of the deep sea once were thought to be largely void of life, but scientists now know that the opposite is true.

The deep-sea mining dilemma - C&EN - American Chemical Society

The greatest impacts of seabed mining will likely come from destroying underwater habitats and permanently removing hard surfaces. On the soft, ...

U.S. Interest in Seabed Mining in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction

In 1980, Congress passed the Deep Seabed Hard Mineral ... At a time when many countries are investing in deep seabed mining activities (i.e., ...

The international aspects of deep seabed mining

Deep sea mining

Deep sea mining is the extraction of minerals from the seabed of the deep sea. The main ores of commercial interest are polymetallic nodules, which are found at depths of 4–6 km primarily on the abyssal plain.

Seabed mining

Seabed mining, also known as Seafloor mining is the recovery of minerals from the seabed by techniques of underwater mining. The concept includes mining at shallow depths on the continental shelf and deep-sea mining at greater depths associated with tectonic activity, hydrothermal vents and the abyssal plains.