
Deep Sky Photography. What Could Go Wrong?

Deep Sky Photography. What Could Go Wrong? - Marybeth Kiczenski

It was a decent first trip out for Deep Sky imaging. Ran into some "teething" issues with trying to figure out the D7000, which ended up in failure.

What did I do wrong? - Beginning Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights

That might account for the stars on the left being nice round dots and the stars to the right showing rotation. That MIGHT account for the ...

12 common astrophotography mistakes, and how to avoid them

If the atmospheric conditions are right, dew forming on the exposed surfaces of camera lenses and other optics can stop an imaging session in ...

4 Mistakes Astrophotographers Make, and How You Can Fix It!

Astrophotography can be a very tricky hobby. Many astrophotographers can feel confused as to why their images lack clarity!

Advice on where I'm going wrong. - Imaging - Deep Sky

You are therefore looking at a tiny pary of the sky, so the chip is collecting only a small amount of light, making the image very dark. Did you ...

5 Expensive Beginner Mistakes •

Filters – light pollution, narrowband, etc. · Guide camera and guide scope – Yes, guiding will improve your images greatly, but don't look towards guiding as the ...

What am I doing wrong with my Milky Way photos? - Reddit

Not all lenses can shoot wide open and still provide a flat image across. That's why your stars are looking like streaks out from the middle, ...

7 Astrophotography MISTAKES Beginners Make - YouTube

In this video, I cover all of the mistakes I MADE when I started astrophotography, some as recent as last year! Here is a list of mistakes I ...

My first and quite possibly last Deep Sky Image - UKHillwalking

It looks bit like what call 'coma' abberation. Try and use the middle of your sensor if possible. It's hard to predict which lens are good/bad - my best lens is ...

Don't Let the Wrong ISO Ruin Your Photography | Fstoppers

The more light you can get on the sensor, the less visible noise will be. This is true at any ISO. Try it for yourself. Underexpose an image ...

Deep Sky Astrophotography in City Light Pollution - AstroBackyard

A typical DSLR light frame under moderately light-polluted skies would normally be 5 minutes at ISO 1600, but it's a hot humid night, and those ...

The secret to choosing ISO, exposure, and F-stop for astrophotography

Exposure time. Exposure is perhaps the easiest setting to understand. Longer exposures grab more light and increase the signal-to-noise ratio of ...

This Is Why Your Deep Sky Photos Are BAD! #shorts - YouTube

In this short, I will show you how to take better deep sky photos in astrophotography.

What's Wrong? - Beginning Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights

I could be way off base here but this is what I think might be happening. If you still have auto focus on, I bet that there's just enough light inside the scope ...

Deep Sky Astrophotography - Processing - Steven Robinson Pictures

As I mentioned, it is best to do this in small steps, than one huge step that could introduce artefacts into your end result. In my opinion, the more amateur ...

Beginner's Guide to Deep Sky Photography | Iceland Photo Tours

... shooting because there are so many things that can go wrong. Try making an equipment checklist, set-up checklist, image acquisition checklist and even a ...

Picking the correct exposure for Deep Sky - SharpCap Forums

Worse light pollution means shorter sub exposures. We know this instinctively because if you take very long exposures with bad light pollution ...

Fitting in Deep Sky Astrophotography with your Work Schedule

If you leave everything until the sun is setting, you're in for a world of headaches. “The old me” would do this. I'd hold off on absolutely ...

Am I doing something wrong? - AstroBin

Sub exposure time: Are your single images long enough to capture details? Overall integration time: Nebulae need quite a bit of overall imaging ...

7 Astrophotography Mistakes to Avoid - Nature TTL

Poor planning is the mother of all mistakes when it comes to photographing the night sky. Never rush; take your time to pack everything, be as familiar as you ...