
Deploying on Coolify

How To Deploy Any Web Application In 15 Minutes Tutorial - YouTube

How To Deploy Any Web Application In 15 Minutes Tutorial | VPS + Coolify Combo · Comments128.

Deploying on Coolify - RedwoodJS Community

Coolify is like your own Netlify or Vercel. It handles a lot of (not all) devOps for you. I have set up my own server and begun deploying with their UI using a ...

Deploy Laravel Apps with Coolify: The Complete Guide - Reddit

A tutorial that covers all those parts for any one interested in deployed fully fledged Laravel app.

Deploy | Coolify's Docs

Overview, Deploy, GET /deploy, Deploy by tag or uuid. Post request also accepted. Authorizations, Parameters, Query Parameters.

Applications | Coolify's Docs

Coolify uses Nixpacks as build pack by default. Nixpacks detect what kind of application are you trying to deploy and builds it accordingly. But if needed, you ...

Deploying Django App on Coolify - Best Practices and Step ... - Reddit

Seeking Guidance: Deploying Django App on Coolify - Best Practices and Step-by-Step Guide · Do I need to modify my Django (link unavailable) file ...

coollabsio/coolify-examples - GitHub

This repository contains examples of how to deploy applications using Coolify. Static; Node.js; Dockerfile; Docker Compose; Strapi; Nuxt; Vite; Bun

How to implement Coolify, the self-hosted alternative to Heroku

Deploying resources on Coolify ... Coolify supports git-based deployment using Nixpacks, an open-source Buildpack tool that creates container ...

Deploying on Coolify - #16 by jamesj - RedwoodJS Community

With a lot of recent news Coolify has gained some traction. Coolify is like your own Netlify or Vercel. It handles a lot of (not all) devOps ...

Automating Deploys With Git & Coolify | Web Dev Office Hours

Setting up automated deploys with Git is more challenging than it seems. Git hooks, ssh commands, and cron jobs are tricky and brittle.

Coolify local deployment tool? #3072 - GitHub

A locally deployable coolify instance, which provides a gui and cli to deploy any application in the same way it would to a remote server currently.

Deploy Laravel Apps with Coolify: The Complete Guide | SaaSykit

In this article, I provide a comprehensive tutorial for deploying common types of Laravel applications using Coolify.

Automatically Deploy Apps to VPS with Git Triggers & Coolify

This is an introduction to Coolify, a project that can deploy custom applications based on Git events. It's similar to a self-hosted Netlify ...

Installation - Self-hosted | Coolify's Docs

2. Manual Installation · Create Directories Create the base configuration directories under /data/coolify . · Generate SSH Key Generate an SSH key for Coolify ...

Coolify: Deploying your app with Docker Compose

The way Coolify deploys an app based on Docker Compose is relatively simple. It brings a “coolify-helper” container that will bring the code ...

Using Coolify for deploying 11ty -

After waiting a while, this installed and started the Coolify service, which I could access at http://:8000 . I then followed the ...

Deploying Self-Hosted Content Applications using Coolify and Strapi

Deploying Self-Hosted Content Applications using Coolify and Strapi Vultr Marketplace Applications involves setting up and managing a ...

Deploy Smarter and Effortless: Our Journey with Coolify

By automating many DevOps tasks, Coolify allows us to focus more on innovation and less on managing pipelines. Its user-friendly interface, ...

Deploying a Shipixen or Next.js website to Coolify Cloud

It is possible to self-host your Next.js website on a VPS using Coolify Cloud. This guide will show you how to deploy your Shipixen-generated or any Next.js ...

Deploying a PayloadCMS App on Coolify - FreibergerSyntax

In this post, I'll guide you step by step on how I host my Payload apps on Coolify. I'll go into detail about all the necessary steps.