
Device count

device-count (MX Series) | Junos OS - Juniper Networks

Configure the number of aggregated logical devices available to the router.

Device Count Definition | Law Insider

Device Count means devices are measured by the total number of devices registered in the member account plus additional devices collaborated on by the Account ...

torch.cuda.device_count — PyTorch 2.5 documentation

End-to-end solution for enabling on-device inference capabilities across mobile and edge devices ... Return the number of GPUs available. Return type. int.

Where can I find a device count? - Ask Anything - Hubitat Community

Good morning; Thank you for refreshing the appearance of the devices page for, the visual is very beautiful, but, previously, ...

Device Count Exceeded - False Warning - Jamf Nation Community

I would ensure you're including OS Version in an inventory display and then search all devices of the type you think you went over the count on, ...

Torch.cuda.device_count() behavior on multiple nodes

... device count on a single node or the total device count across the nodes? Let's say I have 2 GPU VMs and each of which has 4 GPU devices. If ...

Device Count - Help - LibreNMS Community

Go in “Manage Groups” to see the count of Devices per Device Group. The Count is also a link to see all Devices listed in Device List.

How to count devices for correct license - General Support - Unraid

All assigned disks count, and unassigned disks that are connected when the array is started also count. Unassigned Devices connected after the array starts are ...

InfoType: device count

Definition: noun. Device count refers to the number of devices or equipment present in a particular system, network, or environment.

jax.device_count - JAX documentation - Read the Docs

Optional, a string representing the xla backend: 'cpu' , 'gpu' , or 'tpu' . Returns: Number of devices. Return type: int.

Device / Instance Count in Widget | LogicMonitor - 2809

We receive requests from customers every now and then asking whether we could display the number of devices/instances dynamically on a widget, either.

CUDA Device properties - NVIDIA Docs

Returns the number of compute-capable devices. __host__ ​cudaError_t cudaGetDeviceFlags ( unsigned int* flags ): Gets the ...

How do device count limits work?

How is a device counted in WhatsUp Gold? A network device is any asset or object (physical or virtual) attached to your network that has at least one IP address ...

device/count - Three Steps To IoT - DeviceHive

Gets count of devices. Authorization Access JSON Web Token (GetDevice) Request Topic and Payload Topic dh/request Payload Representation { "action": ...

Device Count (Used vs. Licensed) - Singlewire Support Community

When adding new phone endpoints to InformaCast, make sure you have enough licensing to cover the addition.

NVIDIA CUDA Library: cudaGetDeviceCount

Returns in *count the number of devices with compute capability greater or equal to 1.0 that are available for execution. If there is no such device, ...

Device Count Exceeded - PaperCut

If PaperCut MF detects that you've exceeded your licenses it will display a message to notify you that an additional device license is required within the next ...

gpuDeviceCount - Number of GPU devices present - MATLAB

Description. n = gpuDeviceCount returns the number of GPU devices present in your local machine, as reported by the GPU device driver. All devices reported by ...

Apps for automatic counting

Our CountThings apps turn error-prone industrial counting tasks into efficient & precise processes.

Electronic countermeasure

An electronic countermeasure is an electrical or electronic device designed to trick or deceive radar, sonar, or other detection systems, like infrared or lasers. It may be used both offensively and defensively to deny targeting information to an enemy.

Publics and Counterpublics

Book by Michael Warner


In digital logic and computing, a counter is a device which stores the number of times a particular event or process has occurred, often in relationship to a clock.


Mathematical tool

An abacus, also called a counting frame, is a hand-operated calculating tool which was used from ancient times in the ancient Near East, Europe, China, and Russia, until the adoption of the Arabic numeral system.

Tally counter

A tally counter is a mechanical, electronic, or software device used to incrementally count something, typically fleeting. One of the most common things tally counters are used for is counting people, animals, or things that are coming and going from some location.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze

Console game

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is a 2014 platform game developed by Retro Studios and published by Nintendo for the Wii U console.