
Difference between 'No choice' and 'No option'

Difference between 'No choice' and 'No option'

"Choice" is a situation where there are several courses of action available and one must be taken. "Option" is a particular course of action in such a ...

Is there a difference between a choice and an option? - Quora

In other words, option is a noun for a thing and choice is a noun for your decision. They can both be used as verbs "to choose" and "to opt", ...

Having one choice and having no choice is the exact same thing.

An option is something that MAY be chosen. Therefore you don't have to choose it even if you have only 1 option.

X is a choice, not an option - English Stack Exchange

In the context of the phrase "X is a Choice not an option" the word "Choice" is reference to the act of choosing — or an opportunity to make a ...

What is the difference between option and choice? - The Boringbug

The thin line between an option and a choice is that of the freedom to make a decision. An option is limited in nature and is generally decided upon.

have no choice/choices - WordReference Forums

You might say it in a context where you have run out of options / choices: "We have no choices left." or in this case: "I have read this proposal and it offers ...

Choice is not an option - BODIES AT WORK

Choice is not an option, it's a must. If I ask you do you like chocolate or vanilla, you will surely have a preference or say 'neither – it's strawberry!

no choice than calling / choice but to call - WordReference Forums

There is an oxymoron here. A choice presupposes two or more possibilities. It doesn't make sense to say that you are choosing between one action ...

Choice is better than no choice - Heidi Heron

If we have only one option we feel cornered, with two options we have a dilemma, but with three or more options we have a choice. Whatever ...

Choice platform, "None of these options" alternative - how to handle?

Thanks for posting the information for us. I like your idea of giving the "no choice" option a price, indicating that you think the consumer ...

Consumer Preference for a No-Choice Option

Building on recent research, the article shows that the decision to defer choice is influenced by the absolute difference in attractiveness ...

Choice vs. no choice - Luka Gorše

Sometimes we have so many options to choose from that in the end we don't make a choice out of fear of making the wrong one. Sometimes when we ...


WHEN NO CHOICE IS SOMETIMES THE BEST CHOICE Having no choice may not necessarily be a bad thing I often hear people saying, “No choice, ...

Consumer Preference for a No-Choice Option - Oxford Academic

The article shows that the decision to defer choice is influenced by the absolute difference in attractiveness among the alternatives provided.

You always have a choice - Thinking Directions

When you think you have no choice, that just means you've ruled out the other options that you see. Here are some examples of how this comes up: The boss ...

Leave (someone) (with) no option - Merriam-Webster

They were left with no option but to sell their car. Dictionary Entries Near leave (someone) (with) no option. leave someone (with) no/little choice.

have no option (but to do something) - Cambridge Dictionary

HAVE NO OPTION (BUT TO DO SOMETHING) meaning: 1. to have to do a particular thing because there is no possibility of doing anything else: 2.

The Paradox of Choice - The Decision Lab

Single-choice aversion suggests that people are unwilling to choose an attractive option if there are no alternative options since they have nothing to compare ...

57 Synonyms & Antonyms for NO CHOICE |

no choice · lack of choice · no alternative · only choice · zero option.

Making decisions when you have "no choice" | Medium

Yet any time we face a decision, we have a choice of at least two options: do it or don't do it. We may not like either option, but we cannot ...