
Disable Browser Close

Prevent Window Close - javascript - Stack Overflow

We want to prevent the user from being able to close the window without a pin number. In kiosk mode of course the only way to exit is to either end the process ...

Any way to prevent user from closing tab (or showing a warning ...

addEventListener("close", closedWin, false); } window.onclose = closedWin;. I've also tried a few using onBeforeUnload however these do not seem ...

How to stop JavaScript from closing a window through a browser ...

onbeforeunload event handler. This event is triggered just before the browser unloads the page (including when the window is closed). By ...

Is there a way to disable Browser Close[X] button? [closed]

1 Answer 1 ... No, you can't disable the close button on any web site. This would be a major security concern. You can, however, use ...

How can i disable the close browser button | Vivaldi Forum

The button might be disabled with a css mod but as I presume you need it to avoid accidental closing, just enable these two in settings.

Is there any way to prevent the browser closing after clicking on the ...

If any unsaved changes in the parent window when clicking the close button on the browser, the popup window alerts and make the user to save.

How to make Chrome warn you before closing | PCWorld

The idea is to always leave that website tab open in Chrome. Then when you click the big red “X” to close the browser, this site throws up a ...

How to disable browser close button - Coderanch

The bottom line is that you can try a few things, which may sort of work in particular browsers, but essentially the Web doesn't work that way. Is it just the ( ...

How to disable the close (X) button on Google Chrome tabs?

When right clicking a tab,choose Pin Tab , the close button has been disappeared and you can close the tab via Ctrl+W.

Prevent Closing Chrome? - Windows - Spiceworks Community

I am trying to prevent chrome from being closed like IE can with the GPO " File menu: Disable closing the browser and Explorer windows.

How to disable browser's close (X) button - Post.Byes - Bytes

can some one tell how can i disable the browser's close button. i.e user can not see the browser's close button or can not click on the ...

How do I stop Microsoft from closing my other web browser apps?

Here's the steps you can try. -Click Start, type CMD and run it as administrator -Copy and paste the command below and hit enter. Sfc /scannow

Prevent Specific Tab from being closed : r/sysadmin - Reddit

Ask: Have a specific webpage start up, and boot up. Done! Remove the ability to close this tab, which can be minimized, but must always remain ...

Can I prevent users from closing a web browser window? - Super User

Kiosk mode for Internet Explorer. Start , point to Run , and then type iexplore -k When you run Internet Explorer in Kiosk mode, the Internet ...

Prevent browser close tab

Just leave this tab open and your browser won't be closed automatically. NOTE: Due to a change in the API of Chrome, you will need to click anywhere on this ...

How do I stop Brave from closing when I close the last tab?

Description of the issue: When I close the last tab, I want the browser to remain open. How do I do that since there's no setting for this?

Disable Browser Close(x) Button - Javascript - Tek-Tips

Although there is no way to disable to close (x) button directly, it can be achieved by a function in IE4+.

Way to disable Operas window Close -button?

or change it to do same procedure than CTRL+SHIFT+X which closes all the Opera windows and saves the session with all of these windows.

Solved: How to stop browser from closing using Javascript?

You could use the onbeforeunload handeler to prevent the unload and window-closing (it returns a "dont do it" to whatever triggers it). but the ...

Chrome Close Lock

Prevent Chrome from closing without warning. This extension opens a tab that can't be closed without your permission. This prevents you from accidentally ...